

单词 remind
remind ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to tell someone again about an event from the past or about a fact that they used to know 提醒;使想起

I can’ t think of his name – can you remind me? 我想不起他的名字了。你能提醒一下吗?

remind sb of/about sth Can you remind us about your plans for the building? 关于你的建筑方案你能再跟我们说一下吗?

remind sb that She reminded me that we had in fact met before, at a conference in Washington. 她提醒我实际上我们以前在华盛顿的一次会议上见过面。

2 to help someone to remember something that they have to do 提示,提醒(某人记得做某事)

remind sb to do sth Remind Jenny to bring her laptop when she comes. 提醒詹妮来的时候带手提电脑。

remind sb about sth Can you remind me about my dentist’ s appointment tomorrow? 你能提醒我记得明天去看牙医吗?

remind sb what/when/where/how etc I need the notes to remind me what to say. 我需要这些笔记来提醒我该说些什么。

2a used when someone has just said or done something that helps you to remember something 那提醒了我

That reminds me. I must take the chicken out of the freezer. 那提醒了我。我得把鸡肉从冰箱中拿出来。

-   don’ t remind me spoken
used for saying that you do not want to think about something unpleasant that has happened or is going to happen

‘When are you going back to work?’ ‘Oh, don’ t remind me.’ 你什么时候回去工作?”“噢,别跟我提上班。”

-   may/can I remind you...
used for warning someone or bringing something to their attention , especially something that they already know

+that Can I remind everyone that we have a strict non-smoking policy here. 我想提示一下各位,我们这里严禁吸烟。

-   remind sb of sb/sth
1 to make someone remember something that happened in the past 使某人记起某人/某事

That song always reminds me of our holiday in Mexico. 那首歌总让我想起我们在墨西哥的假日。

2 to be very similar to someone or something else 使某人想起(相似的)人或事

She was tall and dark, and reminded me of my cousin Sarah. 她又高又黑,让我想起我的表妹萨拉。

It’ s a strange taste – it reminds me of melons. 这味道有点怪,它让我想起甜瓜。





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