

单词 reason
reason 1 ★★★
1  C  a fact , situation , or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something , or why something is true 原因;理由

+for The police asked her the reason for her visit. 警察查问她来访的原因。

reason for doing sth Could you explain your reasons for choosing this particular course? 你能解释一下选择这门课程的原因吗?

+why The reason why so many people caught the disease is still not clear. 如此多的人患了这种病,其原因还不清楚。

+(that) The reason these cars are so expensive is that they are largely built by hand. 这些汽车如此昂贵的原因是由于它们大部分是由手工制作的。

for a reason The woman cannot be named for legal reasons. 由于法律上的原因,不能公布这名妇女的名字。

give a reason Our application was rejected, but the council gave no reason for its decision. 我们的申请被拒绝,但委员会没有说明这样决定的理由。

for the simple/obvious/good reason (that) We can’ t take you all, for the simple reason that there isn’ t enough room in the car. 我们不能把你们全部带上,原因很简单,车内没有足够的地方。

1a  U  a good or clear cause for doing something or thinking something (合理或明确的)原因,理由

+for With plenty of orders coming in, there is reason for optimism about the company’ s future. 订单大量涌来,有理由对这家公司的前途充满乐观。

reason to do sth Is there any reason to believe that she isn’ t telling the truth? 有理由相信她没有说真话吗?

there is every reason to do sth (=there are very clear reasons) There was every reason to expect that he would agree. 有充分的理由做某事

with reason/not without reason He has refused to pay, not without reason. 他拒绝付款并不是没有理由的。

have no reason to do sth She has no reason to shout at you. 她没有理由对你大喊大叫。

see no reason/not see any reason (=when there is no obvious reason why something should happen) I can’ t see any reason for refusing their invitation. 没有任何理由

2  U  a way of behaving that most people accept as sensible 道理

She had reason on her side. 她这一边是有理的。

listen to/see reason He finally saw reason and gave me the gun. 他最终明白了道理,把枪交给了我。

reason prevails (=wins) Fortunately, reason prevailed and she did not marry him. 理智占了上风

within reason (=according to what is sensible) Let your children have their freedom, within reason. 合乎情理

3  U  the human ability to think in an intelligent way , make sensible decisions, and form clear arguments 理性;思考能力;判断力

His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, not reason. 他对局势的估计纯粹是基于情感,而不是基于理性。

-   all the more reason
used for emphasizing that what someone has said or done is another reason why they should do a particular thing

‘But some of those kids can hardly read or write!’ ‘All the more reason why they should get the best education on offer.’ “但是那些孩子中有些几乎不会读写!”“那更有理由让他们接受最好的教育。”

-   by reason of very formal
because of
-   due to/for reasons beyond sb’ s control
used for saying that you are not responsible for something that has happened, especially when you are sorry about it

Due to reasons beyond our control, all flights are suffering delays. 由于不可控的原因,所有航班都将延期。

-   for no (apparent) reason
without an obvious cause

Sometimes the dog would bark for no apparent reason. 有时狗会无缘无故地大叫。

-   for one reason or another
used for saying that there is more than one reason for something

His travel articles are always, for one reason or another, fascinating. 由于这样或那样的原因,他的旅游文章总是很吸引人。

-   for reasons best known to himself/herself etc
used for saying that you do not understand why someone does something
-   for reasons of economy/safety/security etc
used for showing why a particular thing is done

The design was changed purely for reasons of safety. 改变设计纯粹是出于安全考虑。

-   for some reason
used for saying that you do not know why something happened, especially when you think there is no good reason

For some reason, they wouldn’ t let me help them. 出于某种原因,他们不让我帮助他们。

-   give me one good reason
used for emphasizing that you do not think there is a good reason for doing something

He’ s lied to us before, so give me one good reason why we should believe him now. 他以前向我们撒过谎,所以我们现在没有理由相信他。

-   have your reasons informal
to have a personal reason for doing something that you are not going to discuss with anyone

I suppose she has her reasons for not joining us. 我猜想她没有加入我们自有她的理由。

-   no reason spoken
used when you do not want to tell someone why you have done something
-   the reason behind sth
the real explanation or cause of something , which is not immediately obvious

The reasons behind his decision were never made public. 他作出这一决定的真正原因从来没有公布于众。

  Words frequently used with reason
  reason 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   compelling, good, legitimate, logical, main, major, obvious, simple, valid,
Other ways of saying :  reason
cause the reason that something happens or that you feel a particular emotion原因;起因: The probable cause of death was drowning.死亡的原因很可能是溺水。Fifty years after the war, scholars still disagree about its causes.战争结束50年后,学者们还是对战争的起因各持己见。
excuse a reason you give in order to explain why you did something bad or wrong借口: She gave some excuse about being too sick to finish her essay.她找了个借口说病得厉害不能完成论文。
explanation a fact or set of facts that tells you why something happened解释;理由: There was no obvious explanation for his sudden disappearance.他的突然消失没有任何明确的解释。
grounds a word used in official or legal situations, meaning a good or fair reason for doing something根据;理由: His repeated violence towards her was given as grounds for divorce.他对她实施的多次暴力行为是她要离婚的理由。Permission for the march was refused, on grounds of public safety.出于安全的原因,游行的申请被拒绝了。
motivation someone’ s personal reason for doing something动机: The other runners’ times were fast, and that gave me motivation to push even harder.其他选手跑得都很快,这激励了我更加努力去跑。
motive someone’ s personal reason for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal(尤指不诚实或不合法的)动机,目的: Police are unsure about a motive for the crime.警察对这起犯罪的动机还不确定。
pretext a false reason you give for doing something in order to hide your real reason借口;托词: He got into the warehouse on the pretext of making a building inspection.他借口视察大楼而进了仓库。
purpose the goal that you want to achieve目的;意图: The purpose of Tuesday’ s meeting is to finalize the schedule.星期二召开会议的目的就是最后确定进度表。
See also
stand 1




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