

单词 rate
rate 1 ★★★
1  C  the number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a particular period of time 比率;率

a rising birth rate 不断增长的出生率

a dramatic fall in the city’ s murder rate 城市凶杀案发生率的大幅度下降

+of The animals were dying at a rate of three an hour. 这些动物正以每小时3只的速度死亡。

areas where the rate of unemployment is high 高失业率地区

success rate Their success rate in recruiting new staff is very high. 他们录用新职员的成功率很高。

a high/low rate of sth There is a high rate of muggings and other forms of street crime in the area. 该地区的行凶抢劫和其他形式的街头犯罪率很高。

2  C  the speed at which something happens within a particular period of time 速度

Doctors monitor the patient’ s heart rate. 医生监控病人的心跳速度。

The population was growing at an alarming rate. 人口正以惊人的速度增长。

+of During this period the rate of inflation soared. 在此期间通货膨胀率骤增。

at a rate of Workers were leaving at a rate of one a month. 工人们正以每月1人的速度在辞职。

3  C  an amount of money that is paid or charged 费用;价格

plans to reduce the tax rates for people on low incomes 为低收入人群减少税费的计划

+of The banks now pay a lower rate of interest to savers. 现在银行给储户的利率更低了。

hourly/weekly/monthly rate They increased the hourly rate of pay to £8.50. 他们把每小时的报酬增加到8.50英镑。

4 rates  plural  a local tax that people in the UK paid before 1990. They now pay a similar tax called the council tax . (1990年之前英国人交纳的)地方税(类似的税现在称作council tax )
-   at any rate spoken
used for changing a statement , and telling someone that one part of what has been mentioned is true

They both agree with me – well, at any rate, Maggie does. 他们两人都同意我的意见,不管怎样,麦琪是同意的。

-   at this rate spoken
used for saying what will happen if the present situation continues

At this rate the factory will be closed down by Christmas. 照这样继续下去工厂到圣诞节就会倒闭。

-   the going rate
the usual amount of money that people are paying for something

+for What’ s the going rate for babysitting these days? 现在雇保姆通常给多少工资?

See also




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