

单词 push
push 2 ★★
1  C  a movement in which you push someone or something using part of your body , especially your hands 推

He opened the door with a violent push. 他粗暴地一下把门推开。

give sb/sth a push Jan helped me give the car a push. 简帮着推了一下我的汽车。

2  C  a determined attempt to do something 争取;尝试;努力

+for an unsuccessful push for financial reform 一次不成功的财政改革尝试

a push to do sth The two sides began a final push to reach an agreement before the deadline. 双方开始了最后的努力,以期在最后期限前达成一致。

3  singular  a way of encouraging or forcing someone to do something they do not want to do 鼓励;敦促;强迫;驱策

give sb a push (to do sth) I knew I could do it – I just needed someone to give me an extra push. 我知道我能行,我只是需要有人给我一些额外的鞭策。

need a push (to do sth) Some people need a little push to make new friends. 有些人需要一点儿鼓励才会结交新朋友。

4  C  a movement by an army further into or through a country or area , using force (军队的)挺进,推进

+on The army begin their push on the town at dawn. 黄昏的时候,部队开始向那个城镇挺进。

5  U  the energy and determination to achieve something 毅力;进取心

She’ s got the push to get to the top in any business. 她有在任何行业中都做到最好的进取心。

6  singular  informal   something that is difficult to do , especially because you do not have much time (尤指因时间不多而造成的)仓促难办的事,棘手的事

It’ ll be a bit of a push, but we’ ll manage it. 这会有点儿棘手,但我们会设法完成。

-   at a push BRITISH informal
used for saying that something is possible , but very difficult

I can afford to pay fifty pounds at a push. 我勉强能付得起50英镑。

-   give sb/get the push BRITISH informal
1 if someone gives you the push or if you get the push , you are sent away from your job 解雇某人/被解雇

Six people from head office are getting the push. 总部的6个人将被解职。

2 if someone gives you the push or if you get the push , the person you are having a sexual relationship with tells you they want to end the relationship 甩掉某人/被甩(结束恋爱关系)

I finally gave him the push last night. 昨天晚上我终于把他甩掉了。

-   if/when push comes to shove/if/when it comes to the push
if or when you are forced to make a decision or do something difficult

If push came to shove, I would be willing to try. 迫不得已时,我愿意试一试。





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