

单词 pump
pump 2
1  T  to make liquid or gas move into or out of something , especially by using a pump (尤指用泵)抽取,抽吸,注入

Pumping water uphill is difficult and expensive. 把水抽上山很难也很贵。

Poisonous gases are pumped into the atmosphere every day. 每天都有有毒气体被排放到大气中。

1a  I  if a liquid pumps from somewhere , a lot of it comes out in quick regular movements 汩汩流出;大量涌出;流淌

Blood was pumping from a wound in his arm. 血液从他手臂上的伤口汩汩流出。

2  T  to push something up and down with an action like pumping (唧筒似地)上下推动

Liz pumped the accelerator and tried to start the car. 利兹上下踩动油门试图发动汽车。

2a  I  to move with an action like that of a pump 像唧筒一样运动

Her heart was pumping fast. 她的心脏跳得很快。

3  T  informal   to try to get information from someone 打探,探听(信息)
-   pump bullets into sb/pump sb full of lead informal
to shoot someone many times with a gun
-   pump sb full of sth informal
to put a lot of a substance , especially a drug , into someone’ s body

He had been pumped full of sedatives. 他已经被注射了大量的镇静剂。

-   pumpiron informal
to lift heavy metal objects as a form of exercise
-   pump sb’ s stomach
to empty someone’ s stomach using a piece of medical equipment called a stomach pump
ˈpump into
pump sth into sth: to invest a lot of money in something 大量投资

She wants to pump money into her local football team. 她打算把钱大量投入到当地的足球俱乐部。

ˌpump ˈout
1 to make liquid or gas escape from a place 流出,冒出(液体或气体)

Huge generators were pumping out black smoke. 巨大的发电机冒出滚滚黑烟。

2 informal   to produce a lot of something 大量生产;大量制造

They get paid too much for pumping out work like that. 他们大量生产那样的产品获得了巨额利润。

ˌpump ˈup
1 to fill something with air using a pump 用泵(唧筒)充气

My bicycle tyres need pumping up. 我的自行车需要打气了。

2 informal   to make something increase by a large amount 大量增加

They have cut prices in an attempt to pump up sales. 他们试图通过降价而大幅度促进销售。

3 often passive informal   to make someone feel excited and enthusiastic 令人充满激情;令人热情高涨

The coach’ s job is to get everyone pumped up for the game. 教练的职责就是要让大家都热情高涨地投入比赛。





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