/pʌf/ |
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1 | C the action of breathing in smoke from a cigarette , pipe etc 吸烟 | She put the cigarette out after a few puffs. 她吸了几口之后就把雪茄弄灭了。 | |
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2 | C the action of blowing or breathing out air so that it makes a sound 吐气;喘气 | Her breath came in short painful puffs. 她的喘气短促而痛苦。 | | 2a | a sound like someone doing this 喘息声 | | the puff, puff of the old steam engine 老式蒸汽发动机发出的扑哧扑哧声 | | | 2b | enough breath or strength to do something (充足的)气息,气力 | | We ran out of puff before we got to the top of the hill. 我们还没有到达山顶就用尽了气力。 | | |
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3 | C +of: a small amount of smoke , wind , or air that comes and goes quickly 一溜烟;一阵风;一股气 | There was a small bang, and then a puff of blue smoke. 一声很小的爆响之后,冒出了一股青烟。 | |
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4 | C a type of small pie made of pastry with something soft inside 泡芙酥皮点心,松饼(一种加松软内馅的小馅饼) | a cheese/cream puff 干酪/奶油泡芙 | |
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5 | C +for: something that someone says or writes in order to advertise or praise something in public 吹捧;吹捧文章 |
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6 | U BRITISH informal the drug cannabis 大麻 |