

单词 pregnant
pregnant ★★
1 if a woman is pregnant , she has a baby developing inside her body 怀孕的;妊娠的

You should not smoke if you are pregnant. 如果你怀孕了,就不要抽烟。

I was eight months’ pregnant at the time. 那时我已有了8个月的身孕。

get/become pregnant She’ s been trying to get pregnant for a year now. 这一年来她一直想方设法怀孕。

+with I remember I was pregnant with Jenny when we moved here. 我记得我们搬到这儿来时我正怀着珍妮。

get sb pregnant He had started seeing a girl called Freda and got her pregnant. 他开始与一个名叫弗雷达的女孩约会并使她怀了孕。

heavily pregnant (=at a late stage in the pregnancy) a heavily pregnant woman 妊娠末期

2 full of meaning or possibilities that have not yet happened or been expressed 蕴涵丰富含义的;蕴涵多种可能性的

+with The situation was pregnant with possibilities. 此局势蕴涵着诸多可能性。

pregnant pause/silence ‘OK, let’ s move on,’ said Bartlett after a long and pregnant pause. “那好,我们动身吧,”巴特利特沉吟良久后意味深长地说。





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