

单词 precious
precious 1 ★★
1 worth a lot of money 贵重的;珍贵的;宝贵的

a precious jewel 贵重的珠宝

historic houses with rare and precious contents 拥有许多奇珍异宝的古屋

1a loved or valued by someone 珍爱的;珍视的

a precious memory 珍藏的记忆

Her daughter is the most precious thing in the world to her. 对于她来说,她女儿就是世界上最宝贵的东西。

1b rare or very necessary and not to be wasted 宝贵的;可贵的

Human skills are the nation’ s most precious resource. 人的技术是国家最宝贵的资源。

We’ re wasting precious time sitting around here! 我们坐在这里是在浪费宝贵的时间!

2 only before noun spoken   used for showing that you are angry with someone for caring too much about someone or something 宝贝,宝贝似的(用于对某人过于在意某人或某物表示反感)

You and your precious husband did nothing for me. 你和你的宝贝丈夫什么事都没有帮我做。

3 behaving as if something is more important or serious than it really is 做作的;矫揉造作的

Pop stars used to be a lot less precious about advertising products. 过去走红的明星们为产品作广告时远非如此地惺惺作态。





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