

单词 point
point 1 ★★★
1  C  an idea or opinion among a number of others (诸多想法或观点中的)一点

I disagree with you on a couple of important points. 在几个关键点上我和你的意见不同。

point by point (=looking at each part separately) Let’ s go over the plan point by point. 逐点地

1a  singular  the thing that you are trying to say (试图表达的)观点,看法

My point is that we’ re spending too much time on details and forgetting the big issues. 我的看法是我们在细节上花的时间太多,而忘了大问题。

What’ s your point? 你想说的是什么?

1b  singular  the reason for something (某物的)原因,理由

+of What is the point of your visit? 你造访的原因是什么?

see/get the point (=understand the reason) I’ m sorry – I just don’ t see the point of doing this. 明白原因

not any/no point I see no point in discussing this any further. 我觉得再讨论下去已经没有什么意义了。

2  C  an aspect or feature 方面;特点

sb’ s strong/weak points Subtlety is not one of his strong points. 敏锐细心并非他的强项。

the finer points (=the details) He spent his spare time coaching youngsters on the finer points of soccer. 细节

it has its points (=it has some good qualities) I complain about working different hours from everyone else, but it has its points. 它有它的优点

3  C  a particular moment in time (特定的)时候,时刻

at this/that point At that point we all got up and walked out of the room. 那会儿我们都已起身走出了房间。

at this/that point in time At this point in time we can’ t afford to hire any more people. 这个时候我们雇不起更多的人手。

3a a particular stage in a process (过程中特定的)点,阶段,程度,地步

the freezing/boiling point of water 水的冰点/沸点

reach a point We’ re just trying to reach a point where both sides will sit down together and talk. 我们正努力做到能让双方坐下来对话。

to the point of His behaviour was strange to the point of being considered unacceptable by his employers. 他的行为怪异到了让他的雇主们觉得无法接受的程度。

4  C  a particular place (特定的)地点

We’ ll meet at a point halfway between here and your hotel. 我们将在你的旅馆和这里之间的一个中间地点相会。

a point where three different countries meet 3个国家交界的地点

4a a position on a drawing or map (画或地图上的)点,位置

Lines C and D intersect at point E. C线和D线在E点相交。

5  C  a unit for counting the score in a game or sport (比赛或运动中的)分数,点数

Our team is two points behind. 我们队落后两分。

They won on points (=by getting the most points) . 他们靠点数获胜。

5a a unit of measurement (计量单位)点,分

Interest rates fell by 2 percentage points. 利率下降了两个百分点。

6  C  a very small area of light or colour (光或色彩的)小点,痕点

His eyes narrowed to glittering points of light. 他的眼睛缩成很小的光点。

7  C  the sharp end of something (某物的)尖(端)

the point of the knife/sword/scissors 刀尖/剑尖/剪刀尖

8  C  a piece of land that stretches out into an area of water 岬角;尖岬
9  C  the word for a decimal point , used when saying a number , for example 6.3 is said as ‘six point three’ 点;小数点
10  C  BRITISH  a power point
11  C  one of the 32 marks on a compass that show direction 罗盘上的方位标度;罗经点
-   at some point
at some moment in time that is not made specific

At some point I decided she was no longer my friend. 有时我认定她不再是我的朋友了。

-   beside the point
not relevant to what is happening or being said

Your remarks are unnecessary and beside the point. 你的话根本就是多余,而且也跑题了。

-   come/get to the point
to stop talking about unimportant details and say what is most important

We haven’ t got all day, so please get to the point. 我们的时间并没有一整天,所以请直切正题。

-   I see/take your point
used for saying that you understand what someone is trying to say , especially when you disagree with it
-   make a point of doing sth
to be certain that you do something , usually in an obvious way

From then on he made a point of avoiding her. 从那时起他就刻意回避她。

-   make/prove your point
to prove that you are right about something

Okay, you’ ve made your point, there’ s no need to keep going on about it. 好吧,你已证明你是对的,那就没有必要继续下去了。

-   miss the point
to fail to understand something

She missed the point entirely and thought I was blaming her. 她完全没有搞清楚,还以为我是在责备她。

-   on the point of doing sth
about to do something

We were on the point of leaving when the phone rang. 电话铃响的时候我们正准备离开。

-   the point of no return
the moment at which it becomes impossible to change or stop something
-   a sorepoint
something that tends to annoy you or make you angry

How to divide the housework became a sore point between them. 如何分配家务活成了他们俩之间的一件烦心事。

-   to the point
relevant and worth paying attention to

I think his suggestions are completely to the point and should be heard. 我认为他的建议完全说到点子上了,值得听取。

more to the point She’ s very nice and, more to the point, she’ s very good at her job. 她为人非常好,而且更重要的是,工作也做得很好。

-   up to a point
to some degree but not completely

Self-expression is good up to a point but you can’ t just let these kids run wild. 自我表现在一定程度上是好的,但是你也不能让这些孩子们变野。

-   you’ ve got a point
used for showing that you think someone has made an important statement

You’ ve got a point. If we’ re going to work overtime, they’ re going to have to pay us a lot extra. 你说的是。如果我们要加班,他们就得额外给我们多得多的报酬。

  Words frequently used with point
  point 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   crucial, focal, fundamental, important, key, main,
  verbs   illustrate, labour, make, prove, raise,
See also
fine 1
point of order
point of presence
point of sale
point of view




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