

单词 plus
plus 1 ★★★
  Plus can be used in the following ways:
plus 有以下用法
  as a preposition (followed by a noun or a number)用作介词(后接名词或数字): Two plus seven is nine. 2加7等于9。 It costs £11.99, plus £1.50 for postage and packing. 费用是11.99英镑,外加1.5英镑的邮寄和包装费。 The price includes 7 nights’ hotel accommodation plus car hire. 这个价格包括7个晚上的旅馆住宿费和租车费。
  as a conjunction 用作连词: Cleaning the old engines would be a difficult task, plus it wouldn’ t be worth the effort. 清洗旧引擎会很费事,再者,也不值得这么做。
  as an adjective 用作形容词: The temperature is plus 12 degrees. 温度为零上12度。 There are 30 plus students in every class. 每个班都有30多名学生。
1 used when adding something
1a used for showing that one number or amount is added to another . This word is usually represented in mathematics by + 加,加上(通常用符号+来表示)

36 plus 5 is 41. 36加5等于41。

You have to pay back £100 a month plus interest. 你每个月必须还100英镑,外加利息。

Participants will receive a weekly wage of £126 plus travel expenses. 参加者每周会领到126英镑的薪水,外加交通费用。

1b used when mentioning an additional thing or fact 另外;还有;以及

He came along with his five children, plus their partners, and his grandchildren. 他带着他的5个孩子来的,还有他们的爱人以及他的曾孙们。

The four men plus a forty-year-old woman have been arrested. 那4名男子以及一位40岁的妇女已经被捕了。

The economy is currently strong in southeast England, plus we have low interest rates. 目前英格兰东南部经济增长强劲,而且利率也很低。

2 above zero
used before a number for giving temperatures above zero (温度)零度以上,零上

The weather improved a little and temperatures rose to plus 5 degrees. 天气稍微有些好转,气温上升到零上5度。

3 giving a benefit
used for describing an advantage or positive quality that something has 有利的;积极的

plus point/factor One of the hotels has its own heated pool – a major plus point! 其中有家旅馆有自己的温水游泳池,这是一个很重要的优势!

Keane’ s amazing athletic skill will be a huge plus factor for the team in tomorrow’ s game. 基恩令人叹为观止的运动技能将是该队在明天的比赛中获胜的重要保证。

4 more than sth
used after you mention a number or quantity to show that the actual number or quantity may be larger 超过;多于

Ray Charles’ 40-year plus career began in 1954. 雷·查尔斯40多年的职业生涯始于1954年。

The album went straight to number one by selling 600,000-plus copies in its first week. 该专辑在第一周内就销售了60多万张,一举升至榜首。

The auctioneers can expect offers in the region of £300,000 plus. 拍卖者预计这个地区的出价可达30多万英镑。

-   A plus/B plus/C plus/D plus
a mark given by a teacher for a student’ s work that is higher than a mark A , B , C , and D . These marks are usually written A+, B+ etc
  (指学生成绩好于A, B, C, D 的级别)

I got a B plus for my history essay. 我的历史论文得了个B+。





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