

单词 plan
plan 2 ★★★
1  I/T  to think carefully about a series of actions that you need to take in order to achieve something 计划;筹划;规划

a carefully planned career 精心规划的事业

They had been planning their trip to Africa for months. 他们几个月来一直在筹划他们的非洲之行。

plan for the future We need to plan for the future now that we’ re getting married. 既然我们要结婚了,就得为未来计划一下。

plan ahead We’ ll need to plan ahead if we want to take a year off for travelling. 如果我们想休假一年去旅行,我们就要提前计划好。

plan for a contingency/eventuality (=plan for what might happen) Officials are planning for all contingencies. 拟定应变计划;未雨绸缪

1a be planned forif something is planned for a particular time or place , plans have been made for it to take place then or there 安排在(特定时间或场所)

a wedding planned for July 安排在7月份举行的婚礼

The meeting is planned for next week. 会议安排在下周召开。

The shopping centre planned for this site may take years to build. 在这个地方筹建的商业中心可能要花好几年的时间才能建成。

2  T  to intend to do something 打算

plan to do sth My boss is planning to retire at 50. 我的老板打算在50岁时退休。

3  T  to think about something you intend to build or make , and draw a picture of how it will look 设计;绘制…的图样
ˈplan on
plan on (doing) sth: to intend to do something or expect something to happen 打算(做某事);预料(某事会发生)

We are planning on going to Australia this year. 我们打算今年去澳大利亚。

We hadn’ t planned on so many people coming. 我们没料到会来这么多人。





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