

单词 place
place 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 an area or position 地方;场所;位置

I don’ t like crowded places. 我不喜欢拥挤的地方。

Let’ s find a quiet place where we can talk. 我们找个安静的地方谈谈吧。

Keep your credit cards in a safe place. 把信用卡放在安全的地方。

Will had broken his jaw in three places. 威尔的下巴有3处都碰破了。

1a the position where someone or something is , or where it should be 位置;所在地

She put the book back in its place. 她把书放回了原处。

Cara walked back to her place and sat down. 卡拉走回到她的位置,坐了下来。

into place (=into the correct position) She shut the door and slid the bolt into place. 进入正确的位置

The mechanism locked into place. 机械装置已锁好。

1b in some areas but not all areas 在局部;在一些地方

The wall was damaged in places. 墙上有些地方破损了。

2 a particular town , country , building , shop etc 地方(指某个城镇、国家、建筑物、商店等)

They live in a small place called Clovelly. 他们住在一个叫做克洛韦利的小地方。

With a bit of work this place could look lovely. 只要下点工夫,这地方看起来会很漂亮的。

This is the only place that sells this type of bike. 这是唯一一个销售这款自行车的地方。

The trip includes a visit to York and other places of interest. 旅程包括参观约克以及其他景点。

2a an area , building , or space that is used for or suitable for a particular purpose (有特定用途的)场所,地方,建筑物,空间

a popular eating place 受人欢迎的就餐场所

+for Cyprus is a great place for a holiday. 塞浦路斯是个度假的好去处。

place to do sth Is this a safe place to swim? 在这个地方游泳安全吗?

I always think Italy would be a great place to live. 我总觉得意大利是个居住生活的好地方。

2b a house , flat etc for living in 房屋;套房;公寓

They’ ve bought a lovely little place in the countryside. 他们在乡下买了一所可爱的小房子。

your/my/her etc place Let’ s have the party at my place. 咱们在我家聚会吧。

2c the area where you work/have your business/live 办公/营业/居住地点

He lives in a hostel attached to his place of work. 他住在和办公地建在一起的一个招待所里。

2d a church or other building where people hold religious ceremonies 礼拜堂;教堂
3 an opportunity to be a member of a sports team or to take part in a game or competition (运动队里或比赛的)席位,位置

win/secure/earn/clinch a place Lewis has earned a place in the Olympic team. 刘易斯在奥林匹克参赛队中获得了一席之位。

Arsenal clinched a place in the semi-finals with a 2–0 win at Liverpool. 阿森纳队2比0战胜利物浦队,从而取得了一个半决赛席位。

3a an opportunity to join a school , college , course etc (入学、参加课程等的)机会,名额

Nursery places for children are scarce in some parts of the country. 在该国的部分地区,儿童很少有机会上托儿所。

I must remember to book a place on the French course. 我必须记着去报名上法语课。

Course organizers are hoping that all the places will be filled. 课程组织者们希望所有的名额都能报满。

get/secure/win/gain a place Steven has secured a place at Manchester University. 史蒂文获得了上曼彻斯特大学的机会。

3b an opportunity to be part of an organization or business 机会;位置;职位

+on She was offered a place on the committee. 她获得了一个在委员会任职机会。

They’ re looking for someone to fill Jackson’ s place on the management team. 他们正在找人取代杰克逊在管理队伍中的位置。

4 a seat on a train , or bus , in a theatre etc, or a position in a queue 座位;位子;站位

There’ s no place to sit. 没有位子坐了。

lose your place I had to go to the toilet and lost my place in the queue. 我只好去上厕所,排队时站的位子也保不住了。

save/keep sb’ s place Would you mind saving my place while I go and get an ice cream? 我出去买冰淇淋的时候你帮我把位子留住好吗?

5 the position you achieve in a race or competition (赛跑或竞赛中的)名次,排名

After a good performance at Wimbledon, she jumped six places in the world rankings. 由于在温布尔登网球赛中的良好发挥,她的世界排名跃升了6位。

first/second etc place Sevilla finished in fifth place in the Champions’ League. 塞维利亚队在冠军联赛中最终排名第5。

Rafferty completed his round in 69, to take third place at the halfway stage. 拉弗蒂用时69秒赛完一圈,在前半程位居第3。

6 the right occasion or time for something 合适的场合(或时机)

Let’ s not talk about it now. It isn’ t the place. 我们现在不要谈论这个问题。这个场合不合适。

neither the time nor the place This is neither the time nor the place to discuss our relationship. 这个时间和场合都不适合讨论我们之间的关系。

7 the point you have reached in a book , speech etc (阅读、演讲等到的)地方

He marked his place with a piece of paper. 他用一张纸条在阅读中止的地方做了个记号。

lose your place I lost my place when he interrupted me. 他打断了我,使我忘了自己讲到哪里了。

8 usually singular the importance that someone or something has in people’ s lives or in their minds (某人或某物在人们生活或心目中的)位置,地位

The house has a special place in the royal family’ s affections. 那所房子在王室成员的心目中占有特殊的地位。

a discussion on the place of soap operas in popular culture 关于肥皂剧在通俗文化中所占地位的讨论

sb’ s place in history De Klerk secured his place in history by releasing Mandela and starting the process of change. 德克勒克释放了曼德拉,开启变革之路,从而名垂青史。

9 the set of dishes, knives , forks and spoons arranged on a table for one person to use 一套餐具

a table set with three places 摆放了3套餐具的桌子

-   all over the place
1 in or to many different places 到处;四处

I travel all over the place in my job. 在工作过程中,我到过很多地方。

2 in an untidy state 凌乱;七零八落

You couldn’ t find anything because his papers were all over the place. 你找不到任何东西,因为他的文件放得到处都是。

3 not well planned or organized 安排不周的;没有计划好的

Their taxation plans, frankly, are all over the place. 他们的税收计划,坦白说,没有安排好。

-   as if you own the place
if someone behaves as if they own the place , they behave in an annoying way that shows they think they are very important

Richard was strutting around as if he owned the place. 理查德四处大摇大摆地走着,好像这地方是他的一样。

-   be no place for
to not be a suitable place for someone or something

A damp flat is no place for someone with asthma. 潮湿的套房不适合患有哮喘病的人居住。

-   change/swap places (with sb)
to take someone’ s position while they take yours

I’ d love to swap places with someone famous, just for a day. 我真想和某个名人交换一下位置,只要一天就行。

-   fall/fit into place
1 if something falls or fits into place , you suddenly understand something that you previously have been unable to understand (某事物)突然变得易懂

It all fell into place when I learned he’ d been to London that weekend. 当我了解到他那个周末去了伦敦时,我恍然大悟。

2 if things fall or fit into place , they start to happen in the way you want them to 按所希望的方式发生;变得有条不紊

After weeks of total chaos, suddenly everything just fell into place. 经过几周的混乱状态之后,突然一切都步入正轨了。

-   going places
starting to be successful

a company that is really going places 真的开始走向成功的公司

-   have no place
to not be suitable or right in a particular situation

She believed that religious teaching had no place in the school curriculum. 她认为宗教教育不适合安排为学校的课程。

there is no place for... There’ s no place for sentiment when you’ re negotiating a business deal. 洽谈生意时不能感情用事。

-   in place
1 to exist and be capable of being used 现存可用地;现成地

We didn’ t have the structure in place to deal with so many orders. 我们现有的系统无法处理这么多订单。

A staff of four counsellors is in place to handle calls to the new hotline. 已有一个4人顾问团来处理打进新热线的电话。

put sth in place We need to put safeguards in place to prevent this type of accident occurring again. 我们得设置保安,以防此类事件再次发生。

2 in the correct position 在正确的位置

The chairs were not yet in place for the concert. 音乐会的座椅还没安排好。

3 AMERICAN  without leaving the position you are in .  BRITISHon the spot 在原地

We had to run in place for five minutes. 我们只好在原场地跑了5分钟。

-   in sb’ s place
used for talking about what you would do if you were in the same situation as someone else

Wouldn’ t you do the same if you were in Bill’ s place? 如果你处在比尔的位置上,你难道不会做同样的事情吗?

put yourself in sb’ s place (=imagine what a situation is like for someone) If you think you’ ve got problems, put yourself in my place. 将自己放在某人的位置;想象一下某人的情况

-   in place of sth
instead of something or someone

The idea was to abandon the communist model, and create a market economy in its place. 这个想法是要抛开老的模式,取而代之以市场经济。

In place of ordinary light bulbs, you could use fluorescent lamps. 你可以用日光灯来代替普通灯泡。

-   out of place
1 if someone feels out of place or is out of place , they feel uncomfortable in a particular situation or place , or they do not belong there 不自在;格格不入

Kieran felt very out of place among Helen’ s solicitor friends. 基兰在海伦的律师朋友圈中感到非常不自在。

2 in the wrong position 在错误的位置;位置不合适

Mel looked immaculate with not even a hair out of place. 梅尔看上去干净利落,甚至连每根头发都整整齐齐。

3 if something looks out of place , it is in a position where it does not belong or look good 不相称;格格不入

It’ s a lovely table but it would look out of place with all our antique furniture. 这张桌子很不错,但是和我们所有那些古董家具摆在一起会显得不伦不类。

-   take sb’ s place
to do something instead of someone else

No one could ever take the place of her father. 没有人能取代她父亲的位置。

Joe resigned as chairperson in 1999 and I took his place. 乔在1999年的时候辞去了主席一职,由我来接任。

-   take sth’ s place
to be used instead of something else

DVD systems are rapidly taking the place of videos. 数字影碟设备正在迅速取代录像。

-   take your place
1 to go to a particular position so that you are ready to do something 就位

Bjorn took his place at the microphone. 比约恩在麦克风前就位站好。

2 to become part of a particular group of people or things 成为…的一部分;跻身于

The restaurant has taken its place among the finest eating establishments in the city. 这家餐馆已成为城里最好的餐饮企业之一。





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