

单词 pin
pin 1 ★★
NOUN  C   
1 a small thin piece of metal with a sharp point , used for holding cloth in place while you are sewing (做衣服时固定衣料的)别针,大头针
2 MAINLY AMERICAN  a piece of jewellery that you wear on your clothes . BRITISHbrooch 胸针
2a a thin pointed piece of metal worn on your clothes as jewellery or to hold something in place 饰针

His tie was held in place with a small diamond pin. 他的领带用一枚小小的钻石饰针固定着。

3 a thin piece of metal or wood , used especially to hold things together (尤指用于固定物体的)钉,销钉,楔

Steel pins held the handles in position. 钢钉将把手固定住了。

3a one of the metal parts of an electrical plug that fits into the wall (电器插头的)插脚

a three-pin plug 三相插头

3b the metal part that a soldier pulls out of a hand grenade before throwing it (手榴弹的)保险针,保险销
3c a thin piece of metal that a doctor puts through a broken bone to support it (治疗骨折时固定用的)钢钉
4 one of the tall objects that you knock over in the game of ten-pin bowling (10柱保龄球戏的)木柱,球柱
5 pins  plural  BRITISH  informal old-fashioned   someone’ s legs (人的)腿

She’ s still a bit shaky on her pins. 她的腿还有点颤抖。

-   for two pins BRITISH old-fashioned
used for saying a bad thing that you would like to do

For two pins I’ d tell him what he can do with his job! 我真恨不得告诉他他的本职工作该做些什么!

-   you could hear a pin drop mainly spoken
used for emphasizing how quiet a place is when no one is talking
See also
pins and needles




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