

单词 picture
picture 1 ★★★
1  C  a drawing , painting , or photograph 图片;绘画;照片

I noticed a picture on the dining-room wall. 我注意到餐厅墙上的一幅画。

a children’ s book with bright colourful pictures 带有漂亮插图的儿童书籍

+of She showed me a picture of the house where she was born. 她让我看她出生时所住房子的照片。

a picture of a peaceful country scene 宁静的乡村风景画

draw/paint a picture She asked children to draw pictures of their family. 她叫孩子们画他们的家庭。

take a picture (=to produce a photograph using a camera) I’ ll stand over here, and you can take the picture. 照相

1a an image on a television , video , or computer screen (电视、录像或计算机屏幕上的)图像

Some viewers are suffering from poor picture quality on all channels. 有一些观众收看到的所有频道的图像效果都非常差。

1b an image in your mind (脑海中的)影像,形象

I have such happy pictures in my mind of those times. 在我脑海中那段日子的情景是那么美好。

a mental picture She had a mental picture of Samuel’ s face. 她脑海中浮现出塞缪尔的模样。

2  C  usually singular a description or idea of what someone or something is like 描绘;描述

+of My friends had a rather distorted picture of my life. 我的朋友们对我生活的了解有失偏颇。

paint a picture (of sth) (=give a description of something) The report paints a rather gloomy picture of life in the inner cities. 描绘(某物)

3  C  MAINLY AMERICAN  a film 电影

It won the award for Best Picture. 它获得了“最佳影片奖”。

3a  plural  the cinema 电影院
4  singular  a situation 局面;情况

The picture has changed a lot in the last couple of weeks. 在最近两周内,情况发生了很大的变化。

The general picture was one of neglect and decline. 总体上是疏于管理和衰退的景象。

-   be/look a picture informal
to look beautiful , interesting , or funny

You should have seen her face when she told him: it was an absolute picture! 你真该看看她告诉他的时候她脸上的那副表情:简直太滑稽了!

-   the big/wider picture
a whole or complete situation , including all the things it affects, not just one part of it
-   get the picture informal
to understand something , especially something that someone tells you indirectly
-   out of the picture informal
no longer involved in something

I could have asked Shane to help, but he was out of the picture by then. 我本来可以叫沙恩去帮忙的,但他那时已经不再管这件事了。

-   put sb in the picture informal
to give someone the information they need to understand

Mike here can put you in the picture about how we run the office. 在这里,迈克会让你了解我们是如何管理公司的。

-   a/the picture of sth
used for emphasizing a particular quality in someone’ s appearance

He was a picture of wide-eyed innocence. 他瞪大眼睛,一幅不谙世事的样子。

  Words frequently used with picture
  picture 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   accurate, bleak, clear, complete, confused, detailed, full, gloomy, moving, overall, vivid,
  verbs   convey, create, give, paint, present, provide, show,
Other ways of saying :  picture
painting a picture that is made using paints
drawing a picture that is made using a pen or pencils
sketch a picture that you create quickly, often in preparation for a more detailed drawing or painting
illustration a picture that appears in a book or magazine
portrait a picture of a person
photograph or photo a picture that is taken with a camera
snapshot a photograph that is taken quickly, without someone paying much attention to detail
print a picture that is made by copying an original picture many times




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