

单词 bang
bang 1
1  I/T  to hit something hard , making a loud noise 猛击;猛敲

I banged on the window to get her attention. 我猛敲窗户以引起她的注意。

We could hear them banging their drums in the next street. 我们听得见他们在下一条街上敲鼓。

bang sth on/against sth She banged her fists on the back of his seat. 她挥起拳头猛击他的椅背。

1a  I/T  to close with a lot of force , or to close something with a lot of force , making a loud noise 砰地关上

Don’ t bang the door! 别使劲关门!

I heard her car door bang shut. 我听见她的车门砰的一声关上了。

1b  I  to move , making loud noises 砰砰作响

There was a shutter banging in the wind. 有扇百叶窗在风中砰砰作响。

+around/away/across Who’ s that banging around upstairs? 谁在楼上乒乒乓乓地闹腾?

1c  T  to put something somewhere with a lot of force , making a loud noise 使劲放;砰地放

bang sth on sth Sam banged his beer glass on the table. 萨姆砰地把啤酒杯放在桌上。

bang sth down Kathy yelled and then banged the phone down. 凯西大叫大嚷起来,然后砰地放下电话。

2  I/T  to knock a part of your body against something when you are moving , especially because you are not looking where you are going (尤指无意中)猛撞,撞击

bang sth on sth Be careful not to bang your head on that beam. 小心,别把头撞到那根梁上。

+into She banged into the table and hurt her knee. 她猛地撞在桌子上,弄伤了膝盖。

3  T  impolite   to have sex with someone 和…发生性关系
ˌbang ˈon
to talk about something for a long time in a boring and annoying way 不停地唠叨

+about Is she still banging on about the neighbours? 她还在不停地唠叨着邻居吗?

ˌbang ˈout
1 to play a tune on the piano very loudly and not very well (在钢琴上)响亮而难听地弹奏
2 to produce something of bad quality in large quantities 大量生产(劣质产品)
ˌbang ˈup
PHRASAL VB  T  usually passive INFORMAL 
1 BRITISH  to put someone in prison 把…关进牢房

He spent seven years banged up in a prison cell. 他在监狱的单人牢房里度过了7年的时间。

2 AMERICAN  to damage something such as a vehicle 撞坏(车辆等)

How did your truck get all banged up? 你的卡车是怎么撞坏的?





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