

单词 personality
personality ★★★
1  C/U  the part of a person that makes them behave in a particular way in social situations, for example in a friendly or unfriendly way , or in a confident or shy way . You use the word character when you are talking about whether someone is good or bad , or honest or dishonest 个性,性格(当谈及某人好坏、诚实与否时用char-acter)

He has a very outgoing personality and makes friends very easily. 他性格非常外向,很容易交朋友。

Your car often reflects your personality (=shows what kind of person you are) . 一个人的汽车经常反映这个人的个性。

personality traits (=features of personality) Certain personality traits may be inherited from our parents. 个性特征

1a  U  confidence and a lively manner that make people like you and consider you interesting 意气风发;人格魅力

a TV presenter with bags of personality 充满人格魅力的电视主持人

2  C  a famous or well-known person 名人

She is pictured with TV personality Carol Vorderman. 她和电视名人卡罗尔·沃德曼一起拍照。

3  U  the qualities that a place has that make it interesting and different from other places (某地)独特的品质,特性

a large room that lacks personality 一座缺乏特色的大房子

-   a clash of personalities/a personality clash
a situation in which two people disagree because they have very different personalities

There had been a clash of personalities between the two leaders. 两位领导人之间一直性格不和。

  Words frequently used with personality
  personality 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   charismatic, dominant, dynamic, engaging, extrovert, forceful, outgoing, strong,




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