

单词 peace
peace ★★★
1  U  a situation in which there is no war between countries or groups 和平;太平

+in For many years the agreement maintained peace in Europe. 该协议使欧洲的和平局面维持了许多年。

+between The Camp David agreement brought peace between Israel and Egypt. “戴维营协议”给以色列和埃及之间带来了和平。

+with Peace with Russia enabled German forces to fight in the west. 与俄国保持和平共处的局面使德国军队得以在西线作战。

a lasting peace the possibility of a lasting peace in the Balkans 巴尔干半岛永久和平的可能性

make peace (with sb) The UN Secretary General urged the two sides to make peace. 联合国秘书长敦促双方和解。

1a  singular  an agreement to end a war 和约

Fortunately, a peace satisfactory to both countries was soon negotiated. 幸运的是,两国很快就通过谈判缔结了双方都满意的和约。

1b relating to , or intended to bring or preserve peace 和平的;带来和平的;维持和平的

a peace agreement/conference 和约/和会

peace moves/talks/negotiations 维和行动/和谈/和平谈判

2  U  a situation in which people are pleasant and do not cause trouble 安宁;平静;不闹事

There won’ t be any peace until he gets what he wants. 除非他得到他想要的东西,否则就不会有安宁。

3  U  a calm quiet situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people 静谧;安宁;安静

Can’ t I get a moment’ s peace around here? 能不能让我在这儿得到片刻安宁?

peace and quiet/tranquillity It’ s not the holiday to choose if you’ re looking for peace and quiet. 如果你想要的是安安静静地不受打扰,就不能选择假期时间。

disturb/shatter sb’ s peace A motorbike roared by, shattering their peace. 一辆摩托车呼啸而过,打破了他们的安静。

in peace He just wanted to read his newspaper in peace. 他只想安安静静地看他的报纸。

You should leave the poor man in peace (=stay away from him) . 你应该不要去打扰那个可怜人。

4  U  a state when you are calm and have no worries (内心的)平静,安宁

Buddhism teaches you how to achieve inner peace. 佛教教你怎样获得内心的平静。

peace of mind With this type of insurance, you’ re buying peace of mind. 买这种保险就是为了心安。

-   at peace
1 not fighting a war 处于和平状态
2 used for saying that someone is dead and therefore has no more worries (某人)安息,故世
3 if you are at peace you do not feel angry , unhappy etc 心平气和

+with At 70, she was at peace with herself and the world. 70岁的时候,她对自己和世界都能做到心平气和。

-   come in peace
to arrive somewhere with friendly intentions
-   disturb the peace legal
to behave in a noisy or violent way in public
-   hold your peace formal
to avoid an argument by remaining silent
-   keep the peace
1 to avoid or prevent an argument 维持和平;避免争吵

It was my job to keep the peace between my younger sisters. 在我的两个妹妹之间充当和事佬是我的职责。

2 legal   to avoid or prevent noisy or violent behaviour in public 维持治安
-   make (your) peace (with sb)
to end an argument with someone and stop feeling angry towards them

It’ s time he made his peace with his family. 是他和家里人言归于好的时候了。

  Words frequently used with peace
  peace 的常见搭配词
  verbs   bring, keep, maintain, make, preserve, promote, restore, secure,
See also
rest 2




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