/pɑːs/ |
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1 | I/T to go past something 经过;通过 |
| They stopped at the crossing, waiting for the train to pass. 他们在十字路口停住,等火车通过。 |
| The procession slowly passed us. 队伍从我们身边缓缓经过。 |
| We sometimes pass each other on the street. 我们有时会在街上擦肩而过。 |
| 1a | to overtake another vehicle that is travelling in the same direction 超(车);超过 | |
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2 | I +through/along/over etc to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position (朝某个方向或地点)移动 |
| We passed through the gates of the old city. 我们穿过了老城的城门。 |
| Two large birds passed over our heads. 两只大鸟在我们头顶飞过。 |
| The signal passes through a device called a router. 信号通过一个叫做路由器的装置发送出去。 |
| 2a | T +around/across/through etcto move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position (朝某个方向或地点)移动(某物) | | He passed his hand across his forehead. 他的手拂过前额。 | | They managed to pass a message under the doorway. 他们设法通过门道下方传递出一条信息。 | |
| 2b | I if a road , river , or stream passes through , across etc a place , its path follows that direction (道路、河流或溪流)经过,流经 | | The railway line passes through Darlington, Newcastle, and Berwick. 铁路线经过达灵顿、纽卡斯尔和伯威克。 | |
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3 | I/T to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard 及格;通过(考试或检查) |
| Did you pass? 你及格了吗? |
| She passed her driving test. 她通过了驾驶考试。 |
| He’ ll be in the team if he passes the fitness test today. 如果通过了今天的体检,他就会加入到队伍中来。 |
| pass sth with flying colours (=with a very high mark) He passed his final exams with flying colours. 以优异的成绩通过… |
| 3a | T to officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard 使通过考试 | | The examiners passed only 40% of the candidates. 考官仅让40%的应考者通过了考试。 | |
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4 | T to put something into someone’ s hand or into a position where they can take it 传递;传送 |
| Pass the salt, please. 请把盐递过来。 |
| pass sb sth Could you pass me that newspaper? 把那份报纸递给我好吗? |
| pass sth to sb He passed the camera to her so she could take a photograph. 他把相机递给她,好让她照张相。 |
| 4a | to give information , especially to the police or to an enemy (尤指向警察或敌人)报(信) | | Saunders was a paid informer, passing information to the secret police. 桑德斯是一个受雇向秘密警察通风报信的线人。 | |
| 4b | to give someone false money as payment for something 用假币支付 | |
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5 | T to make a law , proposal etc become official , usually by voting to accept it (通常通过投票)批准,通过(法律、提案等) |
| one of the worst laws ever passed 被通过的最糟糕的法律之一 |
| 5a | I/T if a law , proposal etc passes, or passes a particular group , it becomes official as the result of a vote (法律、提案等)被表决通过;表决通过(法律、提案等) | | The legislation finally passed the House of Lords. 该立法最终在英国上议院得到通过。 | | If the bill passes, it will fundamentally affect people’ s employment rights. 如果该法案得以通过的话,它将从根本上影响人们的就业权利。 | |
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6 | I if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end (时间)流逝 |
| Time passes slowly when you’ re waiting for something. 等待时,时间过得很慢。 |
| The summer holidays passed quickly, as usual. 和往常一样,暑假很快就过去了。 |
| with every day that passes/with every passing day She grew less hopeful with every passing day. 随着日子一天天流逝,她渐渐不再那么满怀希望。 |
| hardly/not a day passes without Hardly a day passed without a journalist calling or knocking at our door. 几乎天天都有记者打电话来或上门采访。 |
| 6a | T to spend time doing something 度过 | | We passed the day swimming and lying in the sun. 那天我们是在游泳和日光浴中度过的。 | |
| 6b | to do something that makes a period of time seem shorter and end more quickly , especially when you are bored 消磨时光;打发时间 | | They watched videos to pass the time. 他们靠看录像来打发时间。 | |
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7 | I to come to an end 过去;结束;停止 |
| Children can be very difficult at this age. Don’ t worry – it’ ll soon pass. 孩子们到了这个年龄会很难管束。别担心,很快就会过去的。 |
| I felt a sharp pain, but it soon passed. 我感到一阵剧列的疼痛,但很快就消失了。 |
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8 | pass I/T to kick , hit , or throw the ball to another player in a sports team 传(球) |
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9 | I if words or looks pass between people , they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way 交流(语言);交换(眼神) |
| No one really knows what passed between them that day. 没有人真正知道那天他们之间究竟交流了什么。 |
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10 | I to be unable to answer a question , especially in a test (尤指考试中)无法回答,略过(问题) |
| He passed on three questions. 他有3个问题没有答。 |
| 10a | used for saying that you do not know the answer to a question 不知道,过(用于表达无法回答问题) | | ‘What is the capital of Sierra Leone?’ ‘Pass.’ “塞拉利昂的首都是哪儿?”“不知道。” | |
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11 | T to become more than a particular amount (数量上)超过,突破 |
| The death toll has already passed 200. 死亡人数已超过200。 |
| The three production sites will pass the 100,000 mark this quarter. 那3个生产点本季度产量将突破100000大关。 |
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12 | I to happen or be allowed to happen 发生;允许发生 |
| pass without incident (=without anything unpleasant happening) The rest of the meeting passed without incident. 顺顺当当地度过 |
| pass without comment (=without someone saying something about it) This innocent remark did not, however, pass without comment. 无人理会地过去 |
| pass unnoticed Her mistake seemed to have passed unnoticed. 她犯的错误好像被忽略过去了。 |
| let sth pass (=not react to something that annoys you) Carol could see Andrew was furious and wasn’ t going to let this one pass. 听之任之 |
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13 | T to make a comment or give an opinion , especially in order to criticize someone or something 提出(批评或意见) |
| pass (a) comment (on/about) He was asked for his opinion but refused to pass comment. 人们问过他的看法,但他不置可否。 |
| pass judgment (on) She was furious that he should have the nerve to pass judgment on her. 令她恼火的是,他居然有胆量对她评头论足。 |
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14 | T formal to make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product 排泄 |
| I think he’ s passing blood in his urine. 我认为他的尿液里有血。 |
| 14a | to make liquid waste leave your bladder 排尿;小便 | |
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15 | I to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another (所有权)转移,转让 |
| +to Under the will, ownership of the business will pass to my daughter. 依照这份遗嘱,公司的所有权将转让给我女儿。 |
| pass from sb to sb The estate has passed from father to son for generations. 该房产子子孙孙已相传了好几代。 |
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16 | I to change from one state to another (状态)转变,转化 |
| pass from sth to sth At this temperature, the mixture passes from a solid to a liquid state. 达到这个温度时,该混合物从固体变成液体。 |
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17 | I to not play a card or make a bid in a card game (纸牌游戏中)不出牌,不叫牌 |
- | come to pass formal |
| to happen |
| 发生 |
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| How is it that this has come to pass? 究竟怎么会成这个样子? |
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- | passbelief/understanding etc formal |
| to be too strange or difficult to believeunderstand etc |
| 难以置信/难以理解等 |
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- | pass (a) sentence (on sb) |
| to officially say in a court of law what a criminal’ s punishment will be |
| 宣判(对某人的)判决 |
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| Passing sentence, the judge told Kelly that the public needed protection from him. 宣判时,法官告诉凯利公众需要他的保护。 |
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- | pass the time of day (with sb) |
| to talk to someone for a short time , especially in order to be polite or friendly |
| (与某人)寒暄 |
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- | ˌpass aˈround |
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| pass round |
- | ˈpass as |
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| pass for |
- | ˌpass aˈway or ˌpass ˈon |
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| to die . This word is used to avoid saying ‘die’ when you think this might upset someone 故去,去世(委婉说法) | He passed away in his sleep at the age of eighty-four. 他在睡梦中离开了人世,享年84岁。 | |
- | ˌpass ˈby |
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1 | I/T pass by sb/sth: to go past 经过;路过 | Three buses passed by, but none of them was the right one. 公交车驶过3辆了,没有一辆是我要坐的那路车。 | | I was just passing by her house, so I thought I’ d call in and see her. 我刚好路过她家,就想顺便进去看看她。 | | A car slowly passed by the front of the house. 一辆汽车从门前缓缓驶过。 | |
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2 | T pass sb by: if something passes you by , you do not notice it 被(某人)忽略;未被(某人)注意 | Did you tell me about that? Sorry, it completely passed me by. 你跟我说过那事?不好意思,我全没印象了。 | |
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3 | T pass sb by: if something passes you by , it happens, but you get no advantage from it (某人)没有从中受益,与(某人)失之交臂(指某物没有被好好利用) | Sometimes I feel that life is just passing me by. 有时候我感觉生命正从我身边流逝。 | |
- | ˌpass ˈdown |
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| to give knowledge or teach skills to your children or to younger people 把(知识或技能)往下传 | These traditional stories have been passed down from parent to child over many generations. 这些古老的故事是子子孙孙世代流传下来的。 | |
- | ˈpass for or ˈpass as |
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| pass for sb/sth: to be accepted , wrongly , as being a particular type of person or thing 被误以为;被误认为 | He’ s nearly forty, but he could pass for twenty-five. 他虽年近40,但可能会被误以为只有25岁。 | | the slogans and name-calling that pass for political debate these days 这些日子里被误认为是政治辩论的口号和辱骂 | |
- | ˌpass ˈoff |
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1 | T pass sb/sth off as sth: to make people believe that a person or thing is something else 假扮;冒充 | He put on an old blue suit, intending to pass himself off as a businessman. 他穿上一件旧式的蓝色西装,打算冒充生意人。 | | The watches are fakes, but they tried to pass them off as genuine Rolexes. 这些手表是赝品,但他们试图拿它们冒充真的劳力士。 | |
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2 | I BRITISH if an event passes off in a particular way , it happens in that way (顺利)进行,举行 | The protest march passed off without any serious trouble. 抗议游行进行得很顺利,其间没有发生任何严重问题。 | |
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3 | I/T pass18 | He was directly in front of the goal but passed off to Scholes instead of shooting. 他就在球门正前方,但他没有射门,而是把球传给了斯科尔斯。 | |
- | ˌpass ˈon |
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1 | T to give someone something that someone else has given you 传递(某物) | When you’ ve read this message, please pass it on. 你看了这条信息之后,请接着传下去。 | | pass sth on to sb I’ ll pass these clothes on to my nephew when my lads have outgrown them. 等我的儿子们长大后穿不下这些衣服时,我就会把它们送给我侄儿。 | |
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2 | T to give someone an infectious illness 把(疾病)传染给… | I took the day off work because I didn’ t want to pass on my flu to everyone in the office. 我那天请了假,因为我不想把感冒传染给全办公室的人。 | | 2a | to give something such as a disease to your children through your genes 把(疾病)遗传给(孩子) | | |
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3 | T to make someone who is buying something from you pay for the cost of something 转嫁(费用) | pass sth on to sb The retailer is forced to pass these extra costs on to the customer. 零售商被迫把额外的费用转嫁给消费者。 | |
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4 | I pass away |
- | ˌpass ˈout |
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1 | I to suddenly become unconscious , for example because you are too hot (因中暑等)突然失去知觉,晕厥 | People everywhere were passing out from the heat. 到处都有人因中暑而昏倒。 | |
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2 | T to give something to each member of a group 分发;分配 | The hall was silent as the examination papers were passed out. 发试卷的时候,大厅一片寂静。 | |
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3 | I BRITISH to officially complete a course at a military or a police college (正式)完成(军校或警校的)一门课程 |
- | ˌpass ˈover |
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1 | pass sb over: often passive to not give someone a better job , choosing instead someone who is younger or has less experience 对(某人)不予考虑 | be passed over for sth Bill was upset about being passed over for the marketing job. 比尔因为没被分派到营销部门工作而感到很苦恼。 | |
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2 | pass over sth: to ignore or not mention a statement or subject 不理睬;忽略;不提及 | I mentioned that you were unhappy with your salary, but it was passed over. 我提到过你对薪资待遇不满意,但没人理会。 | |
- | ˌpass ˈround or ˌpass aˈround |
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| to give something to one person in a group , who gives it to someone else , who then gives it to someone else etc (在一群人中间)传递 | The photos were passed round for each of them to have a look at. 那些照片在他们之间传来传去,每个人都看了一遍。 | |
| - | pass the hat round informal | | to collect money from people in a group for a particular purpose | | 募捐 | | | | | |
- | ˌpass ˈthrough |
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| pass through sth: to go to a place for only a short period of time before continuing a journey 经过;路过 |
- | ˌpass ˈup |
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| pass up sth: to not take advantage of an opportunity 放弃;错过 | I can’ t believe you passed up the chance to do a parachute jump. 我不敢相信你竟然放弃了尝试跳伞的机会。 | |