

单词 own
own 1 ★★★
  Own can be used in the following ways:
own 有以下用法
  as an adjective (after a possessive word and followed by a noun)用作形容词(置于所有格后,后接名词): We grow our own vegetables. 我们自己种蔬菜。 It’ s the president’ s own fault. 这是总统自己的过错。
  as a pronoun (after a possessive word but without a following noun)用作代词(置于所有格后,但后不接名词): Many Russians prefer American vodka to their own. 许多俄罗斯人更喜欢美国的伏特加,而不喜欢他们自己的。
1 used for showing that something belongs to a particular person or thing and not to any other 自己的;属于自己的

Everyone has their own idea of what democracy means. 对什么是民主每个人都有自己的看法。

You are free to do what you like in your own home. 在自己家里你可以爱做什么就做什么。

of your own She has two small children of her own. 她有两个自己的小孩。

A large school like this should really have a bus of its own. 一个这么大的学校确实应该有一辆自己的校车。

your very own (=not shared by anyone else) The club now has its very own radio station. 完全属于自己的

2 used for showing that something is done or caused by a particular person and not by anyone else 自己做的;自己引起的

Alan had always done his own washing and mending. 艾伦总是自己洗衣、缝补。

If she was disappointed, it was her own fault for expecting too much. 如果她失望的话,那是她自己期望过高造成的。

an achievement that was largely due to Stanley’ s own efforts 很大程度上依靠斯坦利自己的努力而取得的成就

-   (all) on your own
1 alone 独自地

It’ s a lonely life for him, living there all on his own. 他单独一个人住,过着寂寞的生活。

You shouldn’ t be out on your own at this time of night. 你不该独自一人晚上这个时候出去。

2 without any help 独立地;靠自己的力量

a small country that cannot survive on its own 靠自己的力量无法生存的小国

Your grandfather did it all on his own. 你祖父自己一个人做的。

-   be your own man/woman
to be able to make independent decisions without being influenced by other people
-   do your own thing informal
to do what you want to do , without worrying about what other people think or want
-   get your own back informal
to do something bad to someone because they did something bad to you

He was bitter, determined to get his own back. 他满腔仇恨,决心报复。

See also
hold 1
own 1




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