

单词 otherwise
otherwise ★★★
  Otherwise can be used in the following ways:
otherwise 有以下用法
  as a way of showing how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said用于表示句子或从句与前面所述内容的关系: We must hurry; otherwise we’ ll miss the train. 我们必须赶紧,要不然就赶不上火车了。
  as an ordinary adverb用作普通副词: You’ re in love with Robert. It does no good to pretend otherwise. 你爱上了罗伯特。装作不爱他是没用的。
1 used for saying if one thing does not happen or is not true , something else will happen , usually something bad 否则,不然(用于表示如果某事不发生或不是真的,别的事,通常是坏事,就会发生)

I hope the weather improves. Otherwise, we’ ll have to cancel the picnic. 我希望天气会好起来。否则,我们就得取消野餐了。

The programme has saved thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 该项目挽救了成千上万原本可能会死亡的儿童。

1a used when you are trying to show that something must be true , by saying that the situation would be different if it was not true 要不然(通过说明如果某事不是真的,情况就会不同,以表示某事一定是真的)

Of course they’ re interested. Otherwise they wouldn’ t be asking about prices. 他们当然感兴趣。要不然他们就不会询问价格了。

He must be fairly intelligent, otherwise he wouldn’ t have got into university. 他一定很聪明,要不然他就进不了大学了。

2 in a different or opposite way from what has been mentioned 别样;以另外方式

Sarah believed Tony was innocent. Indeed she had never thought otherwise. 萨拉相信托尼是无辜的。确实,她从来都是这么认为的。

I plan to wait here unless someone tells me otherwise. 我打算在这儿一直等下去,除非有人告诉我别等了。

2a in any other ways 以其他任何方式

Governments must not ban or otherwise prevent the sale of legally imported goods. 各国政府不得禁止或以其他任何方式妨碍合法进口商品的销售。

Library books should not be marked, defaced, or otherwise damaged. 不得在图书馆的书上作记号、不得损坏其书皮或对其造成任何其他形式的损坏。

3 used for saying that something is true except for the fact you have just mentioned 除此之外;在其他方面

The driver suffered shock but was otherwise unhurt. 司机除了受到惊吓外并未受伤。

We have a slight problem with the temperature control but otherwise everything’ s fine. 我们除了在温度控制方面有点小问题外一切都很好。

-   it cannot/could not be otherwise BRITISH
used for saying that a situation cannot be different from what it is

The monarchy remains British, it cannot be otherwise. 这一君主政体仍是英国式的,也不可能不是这样。

-   or otherwise
or the opposite

There will be no surprises – pleasant or otherwise. 不会有什么意想不到的事,不论是令人愉快的还是令人不快的。

-   otherwise known as
used for showing that someone has another name or title

William Frederick Cody, otherwise known as Buffalo Bill. 威廉·弗雷德里克·科迪,也叫水牛比尔

-   otherwise than legal
in any way except the way you are mentioning

A partnership cannot be ended otherwise than by mutual agreement. 合伙关系除非双方同意不得终止。





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