

单词 organization
organization ★★★
1  C  a group of people who have a particular shared purpose or interest , for example a political party or charity 组织;机构

members of the human rights organization Amnesty International 人权组织“大赦国际”的成员

a voluntary/charitable/aid organization 志愿/慈善/援助机构

a non-profit organization

Police kept files on all the illegal paramilitary organizations. 警方备有所有非法的准军事组织的档案。

the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织

2  U  the way in which the different parts of something are combined or arranged 体制;结构;构造

scientists investigating the organization of the human brain 研究人脑结构的科学家

2a the action or process of planning and arranging something 组织;安排

Officials have asked for help with the organization of the local elections. 官员们就当地选举的组织工作提出需要帮助。

organizational  adj 

her excellent organizational skills 她杰出的组织才能

An organization is like a body , and its different sections are like different parts of a body.
There are a number of national bodies that work in this area.一些全国性的组织在这个地区开展工作。
He is head of a large corporation.他是一家大公司的主管。
They head up the overseas section.海外部由他们领导。
The research arm/wing of the company was based in Palo Alto.该公司的科研部门设在帕洛阿尔托。
She served as the mouthpiece of the organization.她是这个组织的代言人。
The public face of the corporation is environmentally friendly.这家公司以爱护环境的形象出现在公众面前。
Only a skeleton staff worked during the holiday period.假期里只有几个最基本的工作人员上班。
These three departments form the backbone of our operation.这3个部门是我们公司的支柱。
There were active cells in many villages along the border.边界周围的许多村庄都有活跃的基层组织。
Who is the brains behind this initiative?这个倡议背后的谋划者是谁?
An organization is also like a building, where the powerful, important people are on the higher floors or in rooms with closed doors.
Entry-level jobs are never well-paid.初级水平的工作绝不会有高薪。
You need to get in on the ground floor.你需要从最初级的工作做起。
A lot of women in the company have complained about the glass ceiling.公司的许多女职员抱怨晋升困难。
This is the responsibility of people in high places.这是高层人士的责任。
His diaries recorded life in the corridors of power.他的日记记录了权力走廊里的生活。
The decisions were made behind closed doors.这些决定是暗中作出的。
If you ever do it again, you’ ll be out of the door.如果你再这样做的话,就将被扫地出门。
See also ->power
See also ->success




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