

单词 opportunity
opportunity ★★★
1  C/U  a chance to do something , or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something 机会

I think this trip sounds like a wonderful opportunity. 我觉得这次旅行听起来像是个绝妙的机会。

+for The job pays well, but there’ s not much opportunity for career advancement. 这份工作报酬不错,但却没有多少发展事业的机会

opportunity to do sth The programme gives students the opportunity to learn more about global warming. 这个节目让学生有机会了解更多有关全球变暖的情况。

take the opportunity to do sth I’ d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming. 我愿借此机会感谢诸位的光临。

a missed/lost opportunity (=a chance that you did not use) A series of missed opportunities have badly weakened the company. 失去的机会

a golden opportunity (=a very good one) The interest rates offer a golden opportunity for first-time home buyers. 非常好的机会

at every opportunity (=whenever it is possible) She went to visit him in hospital at every opportunity. 利用一切机会

given the opportunity (=if he/she had the opportunity) He’ s someone who could have been really successful, given the opportunity. 有机会的话

2  C  a job that is available 就业机会

There are good opportunities in the hotel business. 酒店业有许多很好的就业机会。

-   at the earliest/first opportunity
as soon as possible

You will be informed of any changes at the earliest opportunity. 如果有什么变化我们会尽早通知你。

  Words frequently used with opportunity
  opportunity 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   ample, excellent, golden, great, heaven-sent, ideal, lost, missed, perfect, rare, unique,
  verbs   give, miss, offer, pass up, provide, seize, take,
Having an opportunity to do something is like having a door or way of getting into a building .
有机会做某事就像有进入大楼的门或通道(door or way of getting into a building)一样。
This opened the door to a new way of life.这打开了通向新的生活方式的大门。
He was on the threshold of an exciting new career.他已经站在一份令人兴奋的新职业的门槛上了。
Having a degree unlocked many opportunities.有了学位便打开了众多机会之门。
What would you say is the key to success?你觉得成功的秘诀是什么?
The company has several openings for trainees.公司有几个实习生的空缺。
Not everyone had access to higher education.并不是每个人都有机会接受高等教育。
I felt that I had got my job by the back door.我觉得我是通过走后门得到这份工作的。
We operate an open-door policy.我们实行门户开放政策。
Opportunity came knocking.机会来敲门了。
The band had been knocking at the door for some time before their first hit record.这支乐队在发行第一张成功唱片之前好一阵子都在试图开启成功之门。
She felt that all doors were barred/bolted/closed against her.她觉得所有的机会之门都对她关闭了。
Age is no barrier to success.年龄绝对不是成功的障碍。
I’ ve got a window on Friday afternoon: I could see you then.我星期五下午有时间:那时我可以跟你见面。




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