

单词 opinion
opinion ★★★
NOUN  C   
the attitude you have towards something , especially your thoughts about how good it is (尤指正面的)看法,见解,主张

+of What is your opinion of her latest novel? 你对她最近出版的小说有什么看法?

+on His opinions on European union are well known. 他在欧盟问题上的主张是众所周知的。

have a goodhighlow etc opinion of He seems to have a low opinion of women. 他似乎瞧不起妇女。

giveexpress an opinion The students were not given the chance to express an opinion. 学生没有得到表达观点的机会。

form an opinion She seems to have formed a good opinion of him. 她似乎对他产生了一种好感。

be of the opinion that The doctor was of the opinion that surgery was unnecessary. 这位医生认为没必要动手术。

be ofshare the same opinion My wife and I are of the same opinion on smoking. 我和我太太对吸烟持相同的看法。

a difference of opinion Despite our many differences of opinion, we remained good friends. 尽管我们有许多意见上的分歧,我们仍旧是好朋友。

a  U  the attitudes and thoughts of a group of people 舆论

publicpopular opinion Public opinion has turned against Senator McCormac in recent months. 近几个月来公众舆论已转而反对麦科马克参议员。

informedexpert opinion We rely on expert opinion when deciding about technical matters. 我们在对技术问题作决定时总是依赖专家意见。

-   in sb’ s opinion
used for saying what someone believes

People don’ t take enough exercise, in my opinion. 照我看来,人们运动得不够。

The prisoner was released, which in the court’ s opinion was wrong. 这个犯人被释放了,而按法院的意见这是错误的。

  Words frequently used with opinion
  opinion 的常见搭配词
  verbs   advance, express, give, offer, venture, voice,
Ways of giving your opinion
I think 我认为the most usual and general way of giving your opinion(最通常、最普遍的表明观点的表达法)
I reckon 我认为used in spoken English as a more informal way of giving your opinion(在英语口语中一种更为不正式的表明观点的表达法)
In my opinion/In my view 在我看来/以我的观点看来used especially in written English as a more formal way of giving your opinion(尤用于英语书面语中的一种更为正式的表明观点的表达法)
It seems to me 我似乎觉得used in spoken English for giving your opinion when you have thought carefully about a situation(在英语口语中在对情况进行了认真的考虑之后提出自己的观点的表达法)
If you ask me 要是问我的话used in spoken English for giving an often critical opinion(在英语口语中用来发表经常是批评性观点的表达法)
To be honest/frank 老实说/坦率地讲used in spoken English as a way of giving an unpopular or critical opinion without seeming rude(在英语口语中用来发表不受欢迎的或批评性的观点时不显得失礼的表达法)
Personally 就个人而言used in spoken English for giving your own opinion when you realize that other people may not agree with it(在英语口语中当意识到别人可能对自己所要表明的观点表示不同意时的表达法)
I think if you work hard you’ ll do very well in the exam.
It’ ll be cheaper to take the plane, I reckon.
In my view, it was a big mistake not to try to buy the company last year.
It seems to me that John’ s plans for the website are very convincing.
If you ask me, both Paul and Simon are being extremely immature.
To be honest, I thought the show was really bad.
Personally, I’ ve never liked football.




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