

单词 open
open 2 ★★★
1  T  to separate the edges of something or take off its cover so that you can see or remove what is inside 打开;解开;揭开

She opened her shopping bag and took out an umbrella. 她打开购物袋,拿出雨伞。

Can you open this jam jar? 你能打开这个果酱罐吗?

Open your books at page 25. 把书翻到第25页。

1a  I  if something such as a flower opens, it moves into its widest position and you can see its full shape (花等)展开,打开,开放

Her parachute failed to open. 她的降落伞没有打开。

2  T  to move a door or window into a position that allows people or things to pass through 开(门或窗)

Do you mind if I open a window? 我开扇窗你介意吗?

The school gates are opened at 8.45. 校门8点45分开。

2a  I  if something such as a door opens, it moves into a position that allows people or things to pass through (门等)开

The lift doors opened and two men walked out. 电梯的门开了,两个人走了出来。

open ontointo sth The kitchen door opens onto a patio. 厨房的门通向天井。

3  I/T  to move your arms or legs wide apart (使)(双臂或双腿)张开

She opened her arms to hug me. 她张开双臂拥抱我。

3a to move your lips and teeth apart so that your mouth is not closed (使)(嘴巴)张开

Open your mouth and let me look at your teeth. 张开嘴巴让我看看你的牙。

3b to move your eyelids apart so that your eyes are not closed (使)(眼睛)睁开

I opened my eyes and looked around me. 我睁开双眼四周瞧瞧。

3c to make your fingers straight so that your hand is not closed (使)(手)摊开
4  I/T  if a shop , public building etc opens at a particular time , or if someone opens it , it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use at that time (使)(商店、公共建筑物等)开门

The library doesn’ t open till 9.30. 图书馆要到9点30分才开门。

I’ m calling to ask when you open today. 我打电话是要问你们今天什么时候开门。

5 open  I/T  if a new business , building etc opens, or if someone opens it , it becomes available for people to use for the first time (使)开业;(使)开张;(使)开办

They decided to move to Spain and open a bar. 他们决定搬到西班牙去开间酒吧。

The college first opened in the 1960s. 这所大学最早开办于20世纪60年代。

5a  I/T  if something that has been private or secret opens, or if someone opens it to people , it becomes available for people to visit , see , or take part in (使)(私人或秘密的事物)开放

open sth to sb There are plans to open the gardens to the public. 有几个向公众开放这些花园的计划。

open sth to competition/inspection/scrutiny The telecommunications market has been opened up to competition. 电信市场已经开放竞争了。

open your doors/gates to sb The farmer opens his gates to visitors during the lambing season. 这个农场主在产羊羔季节里向参观者敞开大门。

5b  I  if a film or play opens, it starts being shown to the public (电影或戏剧)上演

Her new play has just opened on Broadway. 她的新剧刚在百老汇上演。

5c  I/T  if a road , telephone line , or other method of communication opens, or if someone opens it , it becomes available for people to use (使)(道路、电话线路或其他通讯方式)开通

We are opening a hotline for enquiries about the product. 我们要开通一条这个产品的咨询热线。

5d  T  if a famous person opens a shop or public building , they appear there to say that it is officially available for people to use or visit 为…举行开业典礼;宣布…揭幕

The Queen is opening the new gallery on Saturday. 女王星期六要为新美术馆举行揭幕典礼。

6  T  to begin something such as a discussion or trial 开始(讨论或审判)

She opened the debate by summarizing her party’ s position. 她以总结其政党的立场开始这场辩论。

open an investigation/inquiry/inquest The police have opened an investigation into his business affairs. 警方已开始对他的经营活动进行调查。

6a  I  to begin a speech 开始发言

+with He opened with a quotation from Shakespeare. 他引用莎士比亚的话作为开场白。

6b  T  to start an account with a bank 开立(账户)

You only need £1 to open an account with us. 你只需1英镑就可以在我们这儿开立一个账户。

6c  I  when a period of time opens, it begins (某段时期)开始

The year opened well for the company. 该公司今年开门红。

The trout fishing season opened last week. 鳟鱼捕捞期于上星期开始。

-   open the door/way
to make it possible for something to happen

The changes have opened the way to free elections in the country. 这些改变使这个国家的自由选举成为可能。

-   open doors
to give someone opportunities

His marriage has certainly opened doors for him in Hollywood. 他的婚姻无疑已经为他在好莱坞的发展敞开了大门。

-   open sb’ s eyes
to make someone realize the truth about something

Open your eyes! Can’ t you see he’ s lying? 睁开你的眼睛!难道你不明白他在说谎吗?

It opened my eyes to what was really going on between them. 它使我认清了他们之间真正发生的事。

-   open fire
to start shooting a gun

Troops opened fire on the crowd. 部队向人群开枪。

-   open your heart
to talk very honestly about your personal feelings
-   open sb’ s mind to sth
to make someone more willing to consider something

He tried to open Churchill’ s mind to the need for new policies. 他努力使丘吉尔认识到制定新政策的必要性。

ˌopen ˈout
1  I  if a path or passage opens out , it becomes wider at the end (小路或通道)变宽,变开阔

+into The alleyway opened out into a courtyard behind the houses. 小巷渐渐变宽,一直延伸到屋后的庭院。

2  I/T  if something opens out or you open it out , it opens from a folded position so that you can see its shape 展开;绽开

The buds on the trees were starting to open out. 树上的花蕾开始绽放。

She opened the map out on the table. 她在桌子上展开地图。

3  I/T  if a discussion opens out or you open it out , it becomes more general or starts to include more subjects 扩大(谈话的)内容

He tried to open out the conversation. 他试图扩大交谈的内容。

ˌopen ˈup
1  I/T  to open a locked door , container , or building 开门;打开

He opens up the shop every morning. 他每天早晨开店门。

Open up! This is the police! 开门!警察!

2  I/T  to make it easier to travel or do business in a country 开辟;开拓;开发;开放

The building of canals opened up the interior of the country. 修建运河开发了该国的内陆地区。

+to China is opening up to foreign investment. 中国正在向外国投资开放。

3  I/T  to create a new opportunity or possibility 创造;开创;展现

Going freelance opens up all sorts of possibilities to you. 从事自由职业为你创造了各种各样的机会。

New markets are opening up every day. 每天都有新的市场开拓出来。

4  I/T  to create a difference between the people or groups involved in something 引起,造成(差别)

The issue of Europe has opened up deep divisions within the party. 欧洲问题在党内引起了很大的分歧。

United have opened up a 6-point lead over their nearest rivals. 联队比紧跟其后的对手领先了6分。

5  I  to talk more about your personal feelings and experiences 畅谈;倾吐心曲

+to It’ s taken a few months, but Katy is finally starting to open up to me. 几个月过去了,凯蒂总算开始跟我倾心交谈了。

6  I  to start shooting a gun 开枪;开火

He opened up on the crowd with an automatic rifle. 他用自动步枪朝人群开枪。

7  T  open sb up: informal   to cut into someone’ s body for medical reasons 给…开刀

When they opened her up they found a huge tumour. 给她开刀时他们发现了一个巨大的肿瘤。

8  I/T  open25

Donald wants to retire and open up a bookshop. 唐纳德想退休,然后开一家酒吧。

New cinemas are starting to open up.





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