

单词 one
one ★★★
  One can be used in the following ways:
one 有以下用法
  as a number 用作数词: We have only one child. 我们只有一个孩子。 How much does one pound of apples cost? 一磅苹果多少钱?
  as a determiner 用作限定词: He grew roses on one side of his garden, and vegetables on the other. 他在园子的这一边种玫瑰,那一边种菜。 We’ ll meet again one day. 我们总有一天会再见面。
  as a pronoun (the plural of this pronoun is ones and the possessive is one’ s )用作代词(其复数形式是ones, 所有格形式是one’s): It’ s a good book, but his last one was better. 这是一本好书,但他的上一本更好。 One has to trust one’ s family. 一个人得相信他的家人。 They are the ones who suffered. 遭殃的是他们。 (followed by ‘of’ 后接of): Sydney is one of the world’ s most exciting cities. 悉尼是世界上最激动人心的城市之一。
1 number
the number 1 (数字)一

I’ ve only got one hour free. 我只有1个小时有空。

They have one daughter and five sons. 他们有1个女儿,5个儿子。

Over one hundred people were killed in the disaster. 100多人死于这次灾难。

It was a one-storey building with big windows. 这是一座有大窗户的平房。

2 a single person or thing
used for referring to a single person or thing when there are others of the same type (同一群人或同一组物中的)一个

I bought three T-shirts – do you want one? 我买了3件T恤衫,你要一件吗?

One passenger said she had been waiting for 13 hours. 一位乘客说她已经等了13个小时。

I heard of one case where a 12-year-old boy had been sent to prison. 我听说过一个案件,案中一个12岁的男孩被关进了监狱。

+of Ours was one of the top four boats in the competition. 我们的船是这次竞赛中最棒的4艘之一。

One of the buildings was badly damaged in the fire. 其中一座建筑物在大火中遭到严重毁坏。

I met one of her brothers when he was here on business. 我见过她的一个兄弟,当时他正在此地出差。

just the one ‘How many books did she borrow?’ ‘Just the one.’ “她借了几本书?”“就这一本。”

3 used for referring to things
used for referring to something when that type of thing has already been mentioned or when it is obvious what type of thing you are talking about (用于表示提及的或显然正在谈到的那类事物)

It was a problem, but not a major one. 这是个问题,但不是主要问题。

I’ m only using this radio until I can buy a better one. 我现在只是暂时用这台收音机,直到我能买一台更好的。

Mr Linden’ s experiences with his son are ones that are shared by countless other parents. 林登先生跟他儿子之间的经历是无数父母都有过的经历。

the one/ones I’ m going to keep those boxes. The ones I want to get rid of are in the garage. 那些箱子我要留着,不要的那些在车库里。

this one/that one/these ones/those ones I’ d never seen a game like that one. 我从来没见过像那场一样的比赛。

3a used for referring to a particular joke , comment , idea , or question (用于指笑话、评论、主意或问题)

You want me to say how much freedom students should have? That’ s a tricky one. 你要我说学生应有多大的自由?那是个很难回答的问题。

the one about (=the joke about someone or something) Did you hear the one about the American who goes into a bar in Paris? 关于…的笑话

4 used for referring to people
used for referring to someone when they have been mentioned before or when it is obvious which person you are talking about (用于表示提过或显然正在谈到的人)

the one/ones David and I are the only ones left who are not married. 剩下的人中只有我和戴维两个是单身汉。

They were all dealing drugs, but Bob was the one who got caught. 他们全都在贩卖毒品,但鲍勃却是被抓住的那一个。

Who is the one with the beard? 留胡须的那个人是谁?

4a people of a particular type (某一类)人

the young/clever/lucky etc ones The clever ones always come out on top. 聪明的人总是会成为佼佼者。

4b used instead of ‘someone’ 某人

I speak as one who has seen much suffering. 我是作为一个目睹过许多苦难的人说这番话的。

5 formal   used instead of ‘you’ in general statements
used instead of ‘you’ when you are making a statement about people in general , which also applies to yourself (总称)任何人

Why, one may ask, would someone want to burn down their own house? 可能有人会问,为什么有些人想要烧掉自己的房子?

One cannot always be right, can one? 谁都不会永远是正确的,对吗?

One must bring one’ s own talents to every single task. 一个人应该在每一项任务中发挥自己的才能。

One cannot be sure what lies ahead. 谁都无法肯定将来会发生什么事。

6 the only
the only person or thing of a particular type 唯一的

the one She found herself in the one spot that gave her no shelter from the rain. 她发现自己处在唯一一处不能避雨的地方。

We’ re going to have to play the one team we did not want to play. 我们将不得不与我们唯一不想与之对阵的队进行比赛。

6a used for emphasizing that something is someone’ s only hope , disappointment , fear etc 唯一的(用于强调希望、失望、恐惧等)

the one The one disappointment we had was that we didn’ t get to shake hands with the President. 我们唯一失望的是没能跟总统握手。

sb’ s one hope/fear/concern etc My one hope is that more people with disabilities will enter into professions like social work. 我唯一的希望是更多的残疾人士能加入到社会福利等工作中去。

7 used for emphasis
used for emphasizing a particular fact , person , or thing (用于强调某一事实、某个人或事物)

There’ s one thing you can be sure of – you won’ t get any help from the government. 有件事你可以肯定,你从政府那儿得不到任何帮助。

One person who won’ t be invited is that awful man who lives downstairs. 一个不会被邀请的人就是住在楼下的那个极讨厌的家伙。

7a used for emphasizing that someone or something is a particular type of person or thing 一个确实…的,一个非常…的(用于强调某类人或事物中的一个)

He’ s one proud man, I’ ll tell you. 我要告诉你,他是个非常骄傲的人。

8 used for comparison
used for mentioning the first of two or more similar people or things, especially when you are comparing them (用于提及两个或多个相似的人或东西中的第一个,尤指用于比较时)

one...the other She lay on the sofa with a glass in one hand and an empty bottle in the other. 她躺在沙发上,一只手拿着酒杯,另一只手拿着一个空酒瓶。

If you love both children, I don’ t understand why you give so much to one and not the other. 如果你两个孩子都爱,我搞不懂为什么你对一个付出那么多而对另一个却不是如此。

one...another He could not tell the difference between one flower and another. 他无法区分花与花之间的差别。

9 formal   used before sb’ s name
used before someone’ s name when you do not know them or have not met them before 某个叫…的人(用于不认识或没见过的人的名字前)

I borrowed the money from one Edward Ashley. 我从一个叫爱德华·阿什利的人那儿借到这些钱。

10 informal   a drink
a glass of alcoholic drink 一杯酒

Have you got time for a quick one before you go? 你走之前有时间喝上一杯吗?

-   (all) in one
used for saying that someone or something can do many different things at the same time

I’ m day-nurse and night-nurse in one. 我既当日间护士又当夜间护士。

-   as one
used for saying that the people in a group do the same thing in the same way at the same time

The whole of Congress rose to their feet as one, clapping and cheering. 全体国会议员同时站起来鼓掌欢呼。

-   at one with
1 in agreement with someone 与…一致

The Liberals were at one with the Tories on this issue. 自由党与保守党在这个问题上是一致的。

2 happy and relaxed in your environment 在…中怡然自得

Here in the mountains I feel totally at one with nature. 在这群山之中我感到与大自然完全融为一体。

-   be as one formal
to be in agreement about something

We all support the peace process – we are as one on this. 我们全都支持和平进程,这一点我们很一致。

-   be/get one up on sb informal
to have or get an advantage over someone , usually by being better than they are at something
-   be one for (doing) sth
to like or enjoy something very much

Helen is always one for a good party. 海伦总是很喜欢参加愉快的聚会。

I’ ve never been a great one for playing games. 我从来就不特别喜欢玩游戏。

-   be one of the boys/girls/family
to be accepted as a part of a group of people

He always wants to be one of the boys, but he’ s too young to join the gang. 他总想成为那些男孩子中的一员,但他太小了,不能加入到那一伙里面。

-   for one
used for emphasizing that someone is thinking or behaving in a particular way , even if other people are not

I for one do not like the idea of trying to sell second-rate goods. 拿我来说,我就不喜欢想办法出售二流货这个主意。

-   for one thing
used when mentioning one reason for something as an example , when there are several reasons

A lot of people don’ t take the time to read contracts. For one thing, they’ re often in very tiny print. 许多人没有花时间读合同。原因之一是这些合同字常常印得很小。

-   got it in one BRITISH spoken
used for telling someone that they have made a correct guess

‘Don’ t tell me he phoned again!’ ‘Got it in one!’ “别告诉我他又打电话来了!”“你猜着了!”

-   have one too many often humorous
to drink too much alcohol
-   a hundred/thousand/million etc and one
used for emphasizing that there are a very large number of people or things

There are still a thousand and one things I need to do before we leave. 我们离开以前我还有一大堆的事情需要做。

-   in ones and twos
used for saying that people do things alone or in small groups

People were arriving in ones and twos. 人们开始三三两两地到了。

-   it takes one to know one spoken
used for saying that someone must have a bad quality themselves if they can recognize it in other people

‘He’ s a complete idiot!’ ‘Well, it takes one to know one!’ “他是个十足的白痴!”“哦,真是白痴识白痴!”

-   little/young ones old-fashioned
-   not be one to do sth
to not be the type of person who would do a particular thing

Martin’ s not one to talk too much about his work. 马丁不是那种过多地谈论自己工作的人。

-   one after another
used for saying that actions are done or things happen with very little time between them

They got married young and had four children one after another. 他们很早就结了婚,还接连生了4个孩子。

-   one and all formal

I’ d like to thank you one and all for all your help. 我要感谢你们每个人的帮助。

-   the one and only
used for introducing a famous person or for saying that someone is very famous

Their manager is Danny Bennett, the son of the one and only Tony Bennett. 他们的经理是丹尼·贝内特,著名的托尼·贝内特的儿子。

-   one and the same
used for emphasizing that two or more names or descriptions refer to the same person or thing

Are you saying that your cousin Alessandro and my friend Alex are one and the same? 你是说你表兄亚历山德罗和我的朋友亚历克斯是同一个人?

-   one by one
first one , then the next , then the next etc, separately

Add the eggs one by one, stirring as you do so. 把蛋一个一个地加进去,一边加一边搅拌。

-   one day/night/year etc
1 on a particular daynightyear etc in the past 有一天/有一个晚上/有一年等

When Sam failed to appear one evening, my worry increased. 有一个晚上萨姆没有露面,我变得越来越担心。

2 on any daynightyear etc in the future 总有一天/总有一个晚上/总有一年等

She knew that one day she’ d get married. 她知道总有一天她要结婚的。

-   one of the biggest/best/most beautiful etc
used when you are saying that someone or something is biggerbettermore beautiful etc than most other people or things of the same type

He took us all out to dinner at one of the best Japanese restaurants in town. 他带我们到城里最好的一个日本餐馆去吃饭。

He was one of the most talented actors I’ ve ever worked with. 他是我所合作过的最有天赋的演员之一。

-   one of us spoken
used for saying that someone is considered as a member of the same group that you belong to , for example because they are in the same social class or have the same opinions

He’ s an able politician, but he’ s not one of us. 他是个能干的政治家,但他不是我们自己人。

-   one or other BRITISH
one of two people or things, when it does not matter which you are referring to

They tried to ensure they weren’ t both working at the same time, so that one or other of them would be there to look after the boys. 他们想办法确保两人不同时上班,这样他们中总有一个能在那儿照顾这些男孩。

-   one or two
a small number of people or things

Carla said she had one or two ideas of her own. 卡拉说她有一两个自己的想法。

There are one or two other major companies that are keen to talk to us. 还有其他一两个大公司很想跟我们谈谈。

-   you are/he is/she is a one BRITISH informal old-fashioned
used for showing that you think someone is funny because of the things they do or say




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