

单词 once
once ★★★
  Once can be used in the following ways:
once 有以下用法
  as an adverb 用作副词: I only met him once. 我只见过他一次。 They’ ve been here once before. 他们以前来过这儿一次。
  as a conjunction 用作连词: Once you get there, you’ ll love it. 只要你到了那儿,你就会喜欢它的。
  as a noun (after ‘for’ or ‘at’ )用作名词(用于for或at后): For once I wish you’ d tell me the truth. 我就这一次希望你能告诉我实话。 (after ‘the’ , ‘this’ , or ‘that’ 用于the,this 或that 后): Yes, I met him, but just the once. 是的,我见过他,不过就那一次。
1 on one occasion only 一次;一回

Cathy’ s only been to visit us once. 凯茜只来看过我们一次。

I’ d seen the show once before, but I enjoyed seeing it again. 这个表演我过去看过一次,不过我喜欢再看一遍。

I’ m only going to say this once, so listen carefully. 这个我只讲一次,所以请认真听。

(just) the once (=on one particular occasion only) We met just the once, but I still remember him very clearly. 只有一次

1a happening one time each week/month/year etc 一星期/一个月/一年等一次

The amateur golfers from Europe only get together once or twice a year. 欧洲来的业余高尔夫球手们每年只相聚一两次。

How often do you use the Internet? Daily? Once a week? 你多长时间上一次因特网?每天?每周一次?

1b happening one time every three days/four years etc 每三天/四年等一次

We have a General Election every four or five years. 我们每四五年举行一次大选。

‘And how often did you receive the phone calls?’ ‘Probably once every two weeks or so.’ “你多久接一次这样的电话?”“大约每两星期左右一次吧。”

1c used for emphasizing that this is the only time something will happen 就此一次;破例一次

Won’ t you come with me to a concert - just this once? 你不跟我一起去听一次音乐会吗,就这一次?

2 used for saying that a particular situation existed at a time in the past , but it does not exist any longer 曾经;一度

Did you know that Dan was once a policeman? 你知道丹曾经当过警察吗?

Louise bought the house where her grandparents had once lived. 路易丝买下了他祖父母曾经住过的房子。

The once mighty US car industry was now facing strong competition from abroad. 一度强大的美国汽车工业现正面临着来自国外的有力竞争。

2a used for saying that something happened at some time in the past 有一次

Once we drove all the way to Edinburgh with four little kids in the back seat. 有一次,我们让4个孩子坐在后座,一路开车去爱丁堡。

I once taught myself to knit, and I was pretty good at it. 我曾自学编织,织得非常好。

3 used for saying that as soon as one thing happens, something else happens 一…就…

Once we were through the gates, she went off and left me on my own. 我们一过了大门,她就走掉了,只剩我自己一个人。

I’ m sure you’ ll be very happy here once you get to know everyone else. 我敢肯定一旦你认识了其他所有人,你在这儿就会很愉快。

-   all at once
1 happening suddenly , usually when you are not expecting it 突然;忽然

All at once a terrific crash of thunder shook the whole house. 突然一声可怕的霹雳使整个房子都震动了。

2 at the same time 同时

There were too many things happening all at once - I couldn’ t take it all in. 同时发生了太多事情,我无法全都弄明白。

-   at once
1 immediately 立即;马上

Bake for 35 minutes and then serve at once. 烘烤35分钟,然后就马上端上桌。

The women met at a party and became good friends at once. 这两个女人在一次聚会上相识并很快成了好朋友。

2 literary   at the same time 同时

Kolya, a film from the Czech Republic, is at once extremely funny and sad. 捷克共和国的电影《柯利亚》既非常滑稽又十分令人伤感。

-   do sth once too often
to cause trouble for yourself by repeating dangerous , stupid , or annoying behaviour

He’ s insulted me once too often. He’ s going to regret this! 他多次侮辱我,他会为此而后悔的!

-   every once in a while
sometimes , but not very often

I still see Ken around town once in a while. 我仍不时在市区看到肯。

Make sure you take a break every once in a while. 你务必要不时地休息一下。

-   (just) for once spoken
used for saying that you would like something to happen on this occasion , even though it does not usually happen , and you think it should happen more often

You can pay the bill for once. 你难得可以付一次账。

It would be nice if, just for once, the two of you could get on with each other. 如果你们俩能好好相处,哪怕只有一次,那也是不错的。

-   once again/once more
1 used when something has happened before 再一次

He was forced to publicly apologize once more for his actions. 他被迫再一次为自己的行为公开道歉。

The fair was once again a tremendous success. 这次商品博览会又是一个巨大的成功。

2 used for saying that a situation becomes as it was before it changed 重新

I returned to Canada and found once again the freedom I had known as a child. 我回到加拿大,重新找到了孩提时代所熟悉的那种自由。

We look forward to the day when there will be peace once more in this troubled land. 我们期盼着和平重新回到这片动乱的土地上的那一天。

-   once and for all
completely and finally

The Supreme Court’ s ruling should decide this matter once and for all. 最高法院的裁决应该彻底解决这个问题。

-   once or twice
a few times , but not very often

Martin’ s gone hunting once or twice, but I don’ t think he really liked it. 马丁去打过一两次猎,但我觉得他并不是真的喜欢打猎。

-   once upon a time
1 used for starting children’ s stories 从前,很久很久以前(用于童话故事的开头)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a beautiful princess. 从前,在一个很远的地方,住着一位美丽的公主。

2 spoken   used for talking about a situation that existed in the past but no longer exists, especially when it was better than the situation now 从前,过去(用于谈论现已不复存在的情况,尤指比现在好)

Once upon a time, you could leave your doors unlocked at night and not worry about someone breaking in. 过去你可以夜里门不上锁也不必担心有人会闯进来。

See also
bite 1
blue 1




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