

单词 of
of ★★★
strong /ɒv/
1 used for stating who or what has a particular feature , aspect , or quality (用于说明具有某一特征、方面或特性)…的

We were impressed by the size of the building. 这栋建筑物之大给我们留下了深刻的印象。

the colour of the sky 天空的颜色

I don’ t remember the name of the street. 我想不起这条街的街名。

the smell of unwashed clothes 未洗衣服的气味

2 used for stating which specific thing belonging to a more general type you are referring to (属于)…类的

I had a feeling of duty towards him. 我对他有一种责任感。

She seemed to like the idea of having children. 她似乎对生孩子这个念头感兴趣。

the month of April 4月

the city of Rome 罗马市

Todd has the annoying habit of questioning everything I say. 托德有个恼人的习惯,就是对我说的每件事都表示怀疑。

2a used for giving a specific age , amount , value etc (用于给出具体年龄、数量、价值等)

She met Charles at the age of 20. 她20岁时认识了查尔斯。

She was a young girl of no more than 13. 她是个至多13岁的小女孩。

Lynn earns a salary of thirty thousand pounds a year. 林恩的年薪是3万英镑。

Teachers have been asking for a pay rise of 4 per cent. 教师们一直在要求4%的加薪。

3 used after nouns that refer to actions for stating who or what does the action (用于指称动作的名词之后,说明动作的主体)

the shouts of excited children 兴奋的孩子们的叫喊声

This is clearly the work of more than one person. 这显然不止一个人所为。

the arrival of our train 我们的列车的到达

3a used after nouns that refer to actions for stating who or what is affected by the action (用于指称动作的名词之后,说明动作的对象)

the baptism of children 对孩子们施的洗礼

The removal of the machine parts took several hours. 拆除机器零件花了几个小时。

4 used for stating who something belongs to (用于表明某物的所属)…的

the property of the residents 居民的财产

They ended up living in the house of Jeanne’ s oldest brother. 他们最后住在珍妮的大哥家。

5 concerning or showing someone or something 关于…的;表明…的

She had a photograph of him beside her bed. 她把他的照片摆在床边。

It was a tale of war and bravery. 这是一个关于战争与无畏精神的故事。

a history of Russia 俄罗斯历史

Jerry kept thinking of the last time they’ d met. 杰里老想着他们最后一次见面的情形。

I reminded her of her duty to her family. 我提醒她记得对家庭的责任。

6 used for stating the thing that something is part of (用于表示某事物的部分)

He moved to the far side of the bed. 他移到了床的另一边。

a pain in the back of my head 我后脑勺的疼痛

She sat on the edge of her chair. 她坐在椅子边上。

The roof of the church was damaged. 教堂的屋顶受到了损坏。

7 used for stating what something contains 包含…的

He handed her a glass of water. 他递给她一杯水。

a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力

a bag of nuts 一袋坚果

7a used for stating what type of thing is in a particular quantity or group (用于表示某一数量或集合体中所含的东西)

a kilo of rice 一公斤大米

millions of insects 数以百万计的昆虫

a collection of poems 一部诗集

a swarm of bees 一大群蜜蜂

a succession of temporary jobs 一连串的临时性工作

a pair of sunglasses 一副太阳镜

7b used for talking about individual pieces of a substance (用于表示物质的单独部分)

a grain of sugar/sand 一粒砂糖/沙子

a slice of cake 一块蛋糕

a piece of wood/ice 一块木头/冰

a sheet of paper 一张纸

7c used for stating the group that a particular person or thing is from 来自…中的

She’ s one of my best friends. 她是我最好的朋友之一。

Three of us went on holiday together. 我们3人一起去度假了。

Several of the flats cannot even be lived in. 有几套公寓甚至没法住人。

8 used after names and titles for talking about the relationship between a person and a place or organization (用于名字和头衔后,表示某人与某地或某组织的关系)

He listed the kings and queens of England. 他把英国的历代国王和王后列了一张表。

the President of Syria 叙利亚总统

the treasurer of the club 俱乐部的财务主管

9 used for stating the substance used for making something 由…制成的

a suit of lightweight wool 一件轻薄的毛线衣

He was wearing a shirt of soft pink cotton. 他身穿一件淡粉色棉衬衫。

instruments made of stainless steel 不锈钢器具

10 used for stating dates and periods of time (用于表示日期或时期)

the 27th of November 11月27日

the last month of the year 一年的最后一个月

11 used after some adjectives for stating the person or thing that a feeling is directed towards (用于某些形容词后,说明对某人或某事物的感觉)

You should be ashamed of yourself! 你应该为自己感到羞耻!

I’ m tired of their constant arguing. 我对他们不停的争吵烦透了。

Maya ought to be proud of him. 马娅应该为他感到骄傲。

12 used for stating the type of person or thing that has been described by another noun (用于说明被另一名词所描述的人或事物)

He was an angel of a child. 他是个天使般的孩子。

We had a hell of a time trying to find a parking space. 找个停车的地方真让我们花了很多时间。

13 used for stating the person who behaves in a particular way in a situation (用于说明具有某种举止的某人)

it was nice/sweet/stupid etc of sb It was nice of you to help me. 你真好,帮了我忙。

It was stupid of me to think they would agree. 我真傻,还以为他们会同意。

14 used for stating the thing that causes something else 由于;因为

the beneficial effects of red wine 红酒的好处

He died of lung cancer. 他死于肺癌。

As a result of pollution, many species have died out. 由于污染,许多物种都灭绝了。

15 used for stating a quality that someone or something has (用于说明某人或某事物具有的性质)

He was a man of great charm. 他是个极具魅力的人。

The research will be of great interest to many people. 这项研究将会令许多人都极感兴趣。

Our conversation was of little importance. 我们的谈话无关紧要。

15a used for describing the importance of a quality that something has 更/不那么/很像是某事物

It was really more of a comment than a question. 这与其说是问题不如说是评论。

Jet travel has made moving from place to place less of an ordeal. 乘飞机旅行使人们感到从一个地方到另一个地方不那么折磨人了。

Getting tickets for Tuesday shouldn’ t be much of a problem. 买到星期二的票不会有什么大问题。

16 used for stating who wrote a book or play , produced a work of art etc (用于表明书、戏剧、艺术作品等的作者)…的

the wonderful paintings of Picasso 毕加索的绝妙画作

the plays of Harold Pinter 哈罗德·品特的戏剧

17 used for describing when something happens in relation to something else (用于表示时间与事件之间的关系)

She didn’ t invite him till the evening of the party. 她直到聚会的那个傍晚才邀请他。

Eva’ s father died the day of his 70th birthday. 伊娃的父亲是在他70岁生日那天去世的。

18 AMERICAN  used in saying the time to mean a particular number of minutes before the hour 在…点之前

It’ s twenty of two (=1.40) . 现在是1点40分。

It’ s a quarter of nine (=8.45) . 现在是8点45分。

19 used for stating who has a particular relationship with someone else (用于说明两人之间的关系)

Lori is the daughter of my father’ s sister. 洛丽是我姑姑的女儿。

He was having an affair with the wife of a diplomat. 他与一个外交官的妻子有暧昧关系。

a good friend of mine 我的一个好朋友

20 used for stating the type of activity or situation that lasts for a particular period of time (用于说明某一活动或情况的持续时间)

We had weeks of problems with the new computer system. 我们的新电脑系统好几个星期都有问题。

Twelve years of peace were followed by two years of war. 12年的和平之后是两年的战争。

21 used for stating the period of time for which someone or something is the biggest, best , most important etc (某段时间内)最突出的,最重要的

Reynolds was named businessman of the year in 1998. 雷诺兹被提名为1998年年度企业家。

the most popular film of the summer 该夏季最受欢迎的电影

-   of a weekend/Sunday etc BRITISH
used for saying that you often do something at weekendson Sundays etc

I generally do the gardening of a Sunday. 我通常在星期天干园艺活。





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