

单词 odds
odds ★★
1 the chances of something happening (某事发生的)机会,可能性

the odds of doing sth The odds of getting hit by a falling satellite are very small. 被坠落的卫星砸中的可能性是极小的。

(the) odds are (that) (=it is likely that) The odds are they won’ t succeed. 似乎;可能

the odds are in favour of sth/(stacked) against sth (=it is likely/unlikely to happen) The odds were always in favour of a South African victory. 某事可能/不可能发生

the odds are in sb’ s favour/(stacked) against sb (=they are likely/unlikely to succeed) The odds were stacked against him, but he never gave up. 某人可能/不可能成功

What are the odds...? What are the odds Jim will show up this time? 吉姆这次露面的可能性有多大?

2 the chances used for calculating how much money you will get if the person or thing you bet on wins a race or competition 投注赔率

I didn’ t bet on the horse because I didn’ t like the odds. 我没有赌这匹马,因为我不喜欢这样的赔率。

give/lay/offer (sb) odds of sth They’ re giving odds of 5–1 against a knockout in the first round. 他们以5比1的赔率打赌不会在第1回合中就被击倒出局。

2a an unlikely/likely chance of winning if you bet on a horse in a race or on the result of a competition (赌赛马或比赛结果时)赢的可能性小/大
3 difficulties or conditions that make success unlikely 困难;不利条件

Left alone, they were fighting against overwhelming odds. 他们孤身作战,正与莫大的困难作斗争。

against all (the) odds Against all the odds, we won our case on appeal. 尽管困难重重,我们还是上诉打赢了官司。

-   at odds (with)
1 disagreeing with someone (与某人)意见不一致

She continued to find herself at odds with the chairman. 她不断发现自己与总裁意见有分歧。

2 if things are at odds with each other , they are different or opposite when they should be the same (与某物)不一致,相矛盾

This statement is completely at odds with what was said last week. 这一说法跟上星期所说的完全不一样。

-   it/sth doesn’ t make any odds (to me) BRITISH informal
used for saying that something does not matter to you

You can come if you like. It makes no odds to me. 你如果想来就来吧,没关系的。

-   over the odds BRITISH informal
more than the usual or expected price

pay over the odds The club will not pay over the odds to retain his services. 俱乐部不会为了留住他而多付工资。

charge over the odds They charge way over the odds for wine by the glass. 他们的酒每杯多收好多钱。

-   what’ s the odds? BRITISH informal
used for saying that something does not matter

We’ ll miss the bus, but what’ s the odds? There’ s another at 10.00. 我们会错过这班公共汽车,不过那有什么关系?10点还有一班。





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