

单词 occasion
occasion 1 ★★★
1  C  a time at which something happens (某事发生的)时刻,时节

on one occasion (=once) On one occasion we had to walk all the way home. 有一次

on this occasion I’ ll let you off on this occasion. 这一次我就饶了你。

on an earlier occasion We tested a similar product on an earlier occasion. 早些时候我们曾对相似的产品进行了测试。

on occasion (=sometimes) He continues to work with us on occasion. 有时

1a  singular  a suitable time for something 时机;机会

+for Her promotion was an occasion for great celebration. 她的升职值得好好庆祝一番。

not the occasion for sth (=not an appropriate time for something) This is not the occasion for such a detailed analysis. 不是某事的合适时机

occasion for doing something Victory provided him with the occasion for declaring himself king. 胜利为他提供了自称为王的时机。

occasion for sb to do sth This will be an occasion for us all to make a new start. 这将是我们所有的人重新开始的时机。

1b  C  a special or important time or event 特殊(或重大)场合;特殊(或重大)事件

The first opening of a Scottish parliament for 300 years was an historic occasion. 苏格兰议会300年以来的首次会议是一次重大的历史性事件。

special occasion The dress is perfect for a special occasion. 这件连衣裙非常适合于在特别的场合穿着。

mark an occasion (=celebrate it) We should mark the occasion in some way. 庆祝

on the occasion of sth (=when something special happens) There was a celebration on the occasion of the school’ s anniversary. 在某事发生之际

2  U  formal   a reason for something 理由

have occasion to do sth I’ ve had no occasion to complain about their service. 我没有理由抱怨他们的服务。

2a a cause of something 原因;诱因

be the occasion of sth His mistake was the occasion of much amusement. 他的错误引起了一阵哄笑。

-   if/when the occasionarises
ifwhen a particular situation happens

If the occasion arises, I’ ll ask for your help. 如果有事我会请你帮忙的。

-   rise to the occasion
to deal effectively with a difficult situation or problem that happens unexpectedly

Rising to the occasion, he gave a brilliant impromptu speech. 他作了一次非常精彩的即兴演说,得体地应付了突如其来的情况。

-   a sense of occasion
a feeling that a time or event is special or important

His performance was totally lacking in any sense of occasion. 他的表演完全缺乏所应有的那种现场感。





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