/bæk/ |
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1 | T to give support to a person , organization , or plan , making them more likely to succeed 支持(人、组织或计划) |
| Both main parties are backing these proposals. 两个主要政党都支持这些提案。 |
| back sb on sth We’ ll back you all the way on this one! 这件事我们会一直支持你! |
| 1a | to make an order or request more effective by threatening to do something if people do not do what you want 支持;以…作后盾 | | Schools need to have clear rules on bullying, backed by a system of punishments. 学校对欺侮他人的行为必须作出明确规定,并通过一套系统的处罚制度予以支持。 | |
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2 | I/T +into/onto/out of etc to move backwards or make someone move backwards (使)后退;(使)倒退 |
| She backed out of the room carrying a tray. 她端着盘子倒退着走出房间。 |
| He backed me into a corner at the party. 在聚会上他逼得我窘迫不堪。 |
| 2a | to make a car move backwards 倒(车) | | Could you just back onto the driveway? 你能把车倒到车道上吗? | |
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3 | T to bet (= risk money) that a particular person or animal will win a race or competition 下赌注于 |
| I’ m backing France to win the championship. 我赌法国队会获得冠军。 |
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4 | T always passive if a place is backed by something , it has something at the back of it or directly behind it 在…的后面 |
| a large garden backed by trees 后面有树的大花园 |
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5 | T often passive to play or sing the music that goes with the main singer or musician’ s performance 为…伴奏;为…伴唱 |
| Manilow was backed by a full orchestra. 有整支交响乐队为马尼洛伴奏。 |
- | back the right/wrong horse |
| to support someone or something that succeedsfails |
| 下对/下错了赌注;支持了胜利者/失败者 |
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- | ˌback aˈway |
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1 | to move away backwards from someone , for example because you are afraid (因害怕等而)后退 | +from The photo showed a woman backing away from a man with a gun. 这张照片上是一个面对持枪男子惊恐后退的女子。 | |
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2 | to gradually become less involved in something 逐渐退出 | +from The World Bank is backing away from big infrastructure projects. 世界银行正在逐渐从大的基础设施工程中退出。 | |
- | ˌback ˈdown |
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| to stop asking for something , or stop saying that you will do something , because a lot of people oppose you (因很多人反对而)放弃要求,打退堂鼓 | Neither side will back down because both believe they are right. 双方都不会放弃原来的要求,因为双方都认为自己是正确的。 | | +on We will not back down on the decision to strike. 我们不会放弃已作出的罢工决定。 | |
- | ˌback ˈoff |
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1 | to move backwards in order to get further away from something 后退 | Everyone back off and let the doctor through. 每个人都后退让医生过去。 | |
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2 | to stop criticizing someone or telling them what to do 停止指责;停止指手画脚 | Back off, will you? I’ ll tell you when I’ m ready! 别指手画脚了,好吗?我准备好了会告诉你! | |
- | ˈback ˌonto |
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| back onto sth: if a building , garden etc backs onto a place , that place is directly behind it (建筑物、花园等)背靠着,背向 | a field that backs onto a railway line 背靠铁路的田野 | |
- | ˌback ˈout |
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| to decide not to do something you agreed to do 食言;退出;打退堂鼓 | I promised to help and I’ m not backing out now. 我答应过要帮忙,现在我也没有打退堂鼓。 | | +of We’ re hoping that no one will back out of the deal. 我们希望没有人会退出这笔交易。 | |
- | ˌback ˈup |
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1 | T back sb up: to give support to someone by telling other people that you agree with them 支持(某人) | If I ask for more money will you back me up? 如果我要更多的钱,你会支持我吗? | |
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2 | T to show that an explanation or belief is probably true 证实(解释或信仰) | All the evidence backs up her story. 所有证据都证实了她所说的情况。 | |
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3 | I/T to make a copy of information on your computer (在计算机上)复制,备份,把…备份 |
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4 | I/T if traffic backs up , or is backed up , the vehicles are in a long line and waiting to continue moving (使)交通堵塞 | Traffic is backing up on all out-of-town routes. 所有出城的道路都出现了交通堵塞。 | | Cars were backed up for miles. 汽车堵塞了数英里。 | | 4a | if a toilet , sink , or drain backs up , or is backed up , water cannot flow through it because something is blocking it (使)(坐便器、水槽或水管)堵塞 | | | 4b | if a system backs up , or is backed up , it has slowed down or stopped working because there is too much of something for it to deal with (使)积压 | | Orders are really backed up this month. 这个月订单确实积压了很多。 | | |
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5 | I to move backwards a short distance 后退 | I need everyone to back up about 10 paces. 我需要每个人后退大约10步。 | |
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6 | I/T to make a car go backwards 倒(车) | See if you can back up a bit further. 看看你能否把车再倒一点。 | | back sth up sth I’ ll back the car up the driveway. 我要把车倒到车道上。 | |
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7 | I AMERICAN used for telling someone to return to something that was said earlier 倒回去说 | Back up: didn’ t you say they had already met? 倒回去说,你不是说过他们已经会面了吗? | |