

单词 notice
notice 2 ★★★
1  C  a sign put in a public place that announces something or warns people about something 布告;告示;启事

We’ ve put a notice up on the door to say we’ re open. 我们在门上贴了一张告示,说我们正在营业。

Have you read the notice on the board about overseas scholarships? 你有没有看到布告栏上有关海外奖学金的布告?

1a a published or broadcast announcement giving information about something 通知;通告

an obituary notice 讣告

public service notices 政府部门通告

2  U  information or a warning about something that is going to happen 预先通知;事先声明;预告

If you want to arrive early you must give advance notice. 如果你想早点来,你必须提前通知。

We like to have notice of any local events of interest. 我们想获得当地任何有趣的活动的预告。

2a the period between the time you tell someone you are going to do something and the time you do it 预先通知期

I need a month’ s notice if you’ re planning to move out. 如果你打算搬出去的话,得提前一个月通知我。

at short/a moment’ s/a few hours’ notice Finding a replacement could prove difficult at short notice. 一经告知便要马上找到一个代替者可能会很困难。

Lucy was ready to leave at a moment’ s notice. 露西准备一接到通知就即刻离开。

3  C  an official document containing a warning , instructions, or information about something 警告书;说明书

a copyright notice 版权声明

4  C  an article that gives someone’ s opinion of a new film , play etc, especially in a newspaper (关于新上演的电影、戏剧等的)评论,评介;(尤指)报刊评论

The film got rave (=extremely good) notices. 这部影片得到了极高的评价。

-   bring sth to sb’ s notice formal
to tell someone about something

Their working conditions were only brought to public notice last year. 他们的工作条件在去年才被公众注意到。

I’ ll bring the situation to his notice at the first opportunity. 我一有机会就会将这情形告诉他。

-   come to sb’ s notice (that) formal
to find out about something

It has come to our notice that some cash is missing. 我们注意到有些现金不见了。

He first came to my notice when I saw him on stage. 他第一次引起我的注意是我看到他在舞台上的时候。

-   escape sb’ s notice
if a fact , situation etc escapes your notice , you are not conscious of it

It may have escaped your notice, but some of us are trying to work. 可能你没有注意到,但是我们中的有些人正想要工作。

-   give in/hand in your notice
to tell your employer that you are leaving your job , especially in a letter
-   give sb notice
1 to tell someone that they must leave their job 通知某人离职;辞退某人
2 to tell someone officially that they must leave a place they are renting 通知某人搬出(所租住的房屋)
3 legal   to tell someone officially that you intend to do something 通知某人;通告某人
-   take notice
to pay attention to something

Wear what you like, no one seems to take any notice. 穿你喜欢的衣服,好像没人会注意的。

+of Take no notice of him – he always behaves like that. 不用管他,他总是那样。

Please take notice of the nearest emergency exit. 请留意最近的紧急出口。

-   until further notice
until someone announces that a situation has changed or no longer exists

The road is closed to traffic until further notice. 这条路禁止通行,直至另行通知。





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