

单词 normal
normal ★★★
1 something that is normal is how you expect it to be , and is not unusual or surprising in any way 正常的;平常的;通常的

He didn’ t like anything to interrupt his normal daily routine. 他不喜欢任何事来打乱他正常的日常事务。

You can telephone during normal working hours. 你可以在正常工作时间内打电话。

Temperatures are higher than normal. 温度比平常高些。

perfectly normal You may feel sick after the treatment, but this is perfectly normal. 你可能会在治疗后感到有些不舒服,但这是完全正常的。

under/in normal circumstances Under normal circumstances, candidates are interviewed by the head of the department. 正常情况下,候选人要经过部门经理面试。

normal practice/procedure (=what usually happens) In those days, it was normal practice to treat the disease at home. 通常发生的事;惯例

back to normal Life is beginning to get back to normal after the fire. 大火过后生活开始恢复了正常。

return to normal It could take two weeks for your health to return to normal. 你的健康状况可能需要两周才能恢复正常。

be normal to do sth It’ s normal to be nervous before an interview. 面试前紧张是正常的。

be normal for sb to do sth It was fairly normal for people to have large families then. 那时候的人有个大家庭是相当正常的。

2 someone who is normal is like most people in the way they think , behave , or look (人)普通的

He’ s no hero - just a normal human being. 他不是英雄,只是一个普通人。

perfectly/entirely/completely normal She’ s a perfectly normal messy child! 她是个标准的小捣蛋鬼!

2a not mentally or physically disabled . People who are disabled consider this word offensive and it is better to describe someone who is not physically disabled as able-bodied and someone who is not mentally disabled as mentally competent . (精神或身体)正常的(残疾人认为该词具冒犯义,因此最好把身体健康的人称为able-bodied,把精神正常的人称为mentally competent)
-   be your normal self
to feel or behave in the way you usually do , especially after a period when you have felt or behaved in a different or unusual way

He was soon his normal self again. 他很快又恢复了正常。





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