

单词 negative
negative 1 ★★★
1 expressing disagreement or criticism 不赞同的;反对的

a negative response 不赞同的答复

a negative opinion of her qualifications 对她的资格所持的异议

1a expressing opposition to something , especially when there is a choice 否定的;(尤指)否决的

His answer was negative. 他的答案是否定的。

1b a negative form or word expresses ‘no’ or ‘not’ , for example ‘don’ t’ or ‘won’ t’ 否定形式的;否定词的
2 harmful or bad 负面的;有害的;不良的

The ad campaign actually had a negative impact on sales. 这场广告宣传攻势实际上对销售产生了负面影响。

I hope the divorce won’ t have a negative effect on the children. 我希望离婚不会对这些孩子造成不良的影响。

3 giving more attention or emphasis to bad possibilities than good ones 消极的

a negative attitude towards women 对妇女的消极态度

The article presents a rather negative view of professional sports. 这篇文章对职业体育运动持相当消极的看法。

4 medical   showing that a particular condition , disease , or substance is not present 阴性的

Her pregnancy test was negative. 她的受孕测试呈阴性。

She’ s remained HIV negative for years. 她多年来艾滋病病毒检测一直呈阴性。

He tested negative for drugs and alcohol. 他的毒品和酒精检测结果为阴性。

5 technical   with the same electrical charge as an electron (电)阴性的,负的
6 a negative number or amount is less than zero (数字或数量)小于零的,负的
negatively  adv 
negativity  noun   U 
  Words frequently used with negative
  negative 的常见搭配词
  nouns   aspect, consequence, effect, impact,
     attitude, connotation. emotion, image, stereotype, view,




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