

单词 neck
neck 1 ★★★
1  C  the part of the body that joins the head to the rest of the body 颈;脖子

The three winners had medals placed round their necks. 这3位优胜者的脖子上都挂有奖牌。

The tight collar pinched his neck. 很紧的衣领勒痛了他的脖子。

1a the part of a piece of clothing that touches or lies just below your neck 衣领;领口

the neck of a sweater 运动衫的领子

2  U  the flesh of an animal’ s neck when eaten as food (供食用的动物的)颈肉
3  C  a long narrow part of something such as a bottle or a musical instrument (瓶子、乐器等的)颈部,脖颈处

the neck of a guitar/violin 吉他/小提琴的琴颈

3a a long narrow piece of land or area of water 狭长地带;狭长水域
-   by a neck
a competition that is won by a neck is won by a very small distance

The horse won the race by a neck. 这匹马以一颈之差赢得了那场比赛。

-   get it in the neck BRITISH informal
to be criticized or punished

I’ ll probably get it in the neck for this. 我很可能会因为这件事受到惩罚。

-   neck and neck
involved in a close race , competition etc

The candidates are running neck and neck in this election. 这场选举中候选人难分高下。

-   neck of the woods
a particular part of a town or country

Housing prices are a lot higher in this neck of the woods. 这一地段的房价高出许多。

-   put your neck on the line
to do something dangerous

I put my neck on the line for you, and you don’ t even care! 我为你去冒险,而你却一点儿也不在乎!

-   up to your neck in sth informal
very involved or busy with something

I can’ t go out tonight - I’ m up to my neck in work. 我今晚不能出去,我有太多的工作。

See also
risk 2 1a
save 1
stick out




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