

单词 must
must 1 ★★★
weak /məst/
strong /mʌst/
  Must is usually followed by an infinitive without ‘to’ must 通常后接不带to 的不定式: You must stop at the red light. 红灯时必须停下。 Sometimes must is used without a following infinitive有时must 后面不接不定式: We will act alone if we must. 如果必须的话我们将单独行动。
  Must does not change its form, so the third person singular form does not end in ‘-s’ must没有词形变化,因此第三人称单数不以 s 结尾: She must be asleep. 她一定是睡着了。
  Questions are formed without ‘do’ 构成疑问句时不用do: Must we wear our uniforms? 我们必须穿制服吗? Must can be used in question tagsmust可以用在附加疑问句中: We mustn’ t be late, must we? 我们决不能迟到,对吗?
  The negative form must not is used for saying that something should not be done. This is often shortened in conversation or informal writing to mustn’ t 否定形式must not用于表示不应该做某事。在会话或非正式书面语中常被缩略为mustn’t: You mustn’ t use the office phone for private calls. 你决不可以用办公室电话打私人电话。
  For saying that it is not necessary to do something not have to , not need to , or needn’ t is used表示没必要做某事时用not have to, not need to 或者needn’t: Children don’ t have to pay to go in. 儿童不必购票就可入内。 You don’ t need to take the test. 你不必参加考试。
  There is no infinitive form of must , so to have to is used insteadmust 没有不定式形式,因此可用to have to 替代: I didn’ t expect to have to do my own cleaning. 我没有料想到还得自己打扫卫生。
  There is no past tense, but had to is used for saying that something was necessary in the pastmust没有过去式,但可用had to 来表示过去某事是必要的: We had to show our passports. 我们只好出示护照。 Must have followed by a past participle can be used for saying that you believe something happened in the pastmust have 后接过去分词时可以用来表示相信某事在过去发生过: They must have missed the train. 他们一定没赶上火车。 When indirect speech is introduced by a verb in the past tense, must can be used as a past tense当动词的过去式引导间接引语时, must 可以用作过去式: She said that I must come immediately. 她说我必须马上来。
  There is no future tense, but must can be used for saying that someone should do something in the futuremust没有将来时,但是可用于表示某人将来必须做某事: You must be here at nine o’ clock tomorrow morning. 你明天早上9点必须到这里。 For saying that something will be necessary in the future will have to can be used要表示将来某事是必需的,可以用will have to: Graham will have to sleep on the sofa. 格雷厄姆将不得不睡在沙发上。
1 used for saying that you think something is probably true because nothing else seems possible 一定,肯定(用于表示某事可能是真实的)

You must be tired after your long journey. 漫长的旅程之后你肯定累了。

There must be some mistake – no one called Shaw lives here. 肯定出了差错,没有名叫肖的人住在这里。

They must have got lost or they’ d be here by now. 他们肯定迷路了,不然他们现在已经到这里了。

I must have fallen asleep. 我肯定是睡着了。

2 used for saying that it is necessary or important to do something 必须(用于表示做某事是必要的或重要的)

Tomato plants must be watered regularly. 西红柿植株必须定期浇水。

People must realize that there are limits to what we can do. 人们必须意识到我们能做的事情是有限度的。

I’ ve told you the truth. Must I keep repeating it? 我已经告诉过你真相。我需要一直重复吗?

We mustn’ t be late. 我们不可以迟到。

2a used for ordering someone to do or not do something 必须(用于命令某人做或不做某事)

You must answer all the questions. 你必须回答所有问题。

Shayler was warned that he must not publish the allegations. 谢勒被警告说不可以公开这些指控。

2b used for saying that it is your duty to do something 应该(用于表示有责任做某事)

We must defend the freedom that our parents fought for. 我们应该捍卫我们的父辈们为之战斗的自由。

3 used for suggesting to someone that they should do something because it would be enjoyable , interesting etc 应该(用于建议)

You must come and visit us again some time. 你应该找个时间再来看我们。

You must see the Monet exhibition – it’ s really wonderful. 你应该去看莫奈画展,它的确太棒了。

4 used for emphasizing that you intend to do something 一定要(用于强调)

I must introduce you to my brother. 我一定要把你介绍给我兄弟。

-   if you (really) must spoken
used for telling someone it is all right to do something , even though you do not want them to

‘I’ m just going to finish this off first.’ ‘Go on then, if you must.’ “我只是打算先把这件事做完。”“如果你非得做的话,那就继续吧。”

-   must you? spoken
used for telling someone that what they are doing annoys you

Must you rush around without looking where you’ re going? 你非得毫无目标地四处乱跑吗?

-   what/whymust...?
used for showing that you are unhappy or angry about a situation

Why must life be so damn complicated? 为什么生活会该死的那么复杂?

I forgot their daughter’ s name. What must they think of me? 我忘记了他们女儿的名字。他们会怎么看我?

See also
say 1




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