

单词 move
move 2 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 something you do in order to achieve an aim or solve a problem , often one of a series of things 措施;步骤;行动

Abolishing the tax altogether would be a bold move. 完全废除该税收将会是一项大胆的举措。

She’ s going to have to plan her next move carefully. 她得仔细计划自己的下一步行动。

2 a change in an activity , career , situation etc 变化;改变

He reports an upward move in the stock market. 他说股市上涨。

+towards The new law is a move towards equality. 这项新法律是朝平等迈进的一步。

+into He’ s considering a move into politics. 他正考虑进入政界。

2a a change in the place where you live or work 搬迁;迁移

We’ re considering a move to the city. 我们正考虑搬到城里。

3 a change in the position of one of the objects used in games played on boards (棋类游戏中的)一步棋

Take a move forwards one square. 朝前走一格。

3a a player’ s opportunity to change the position of an object in a board game (棋类游戏中的)走棋,下一步棋

It’ s your move. 下一步棋该你走了。

3b a way in which a player is allowed to change the position of an object in a board game 棋的走法
-   follow/watch sb’ s every move
to watch someone very carefully, especially in order to find out if they are doing something wrong or illegal

I felt like the supervisor was watching my every move. 我觉得主管在监视我的一举一动。

-   get a move on spoken
used for telling someone to hurry

Get a move on or we’ ll miss our flight. 快点,不然我们就赶不上飞机了。

-   make a move
1 to change position or move in a particular way or direction 移动;挪动

Don’ t make a move; they’ ll see you. 别动,他们会看见你的。

+for/towards He made a quick move for his gun. 他迅速伸手掏枪。

2 to start doing something to achieve an aim or solve a problem 开始行动;着手

No one made a move to help. 没有人过来帮忙。

3 BRITISH  informal   to begin to leave a place 动身;出发

We should make a move before it gets any later. 我们应该趁着不算太晚马上出发。

-   make a move on sb mainly AMERICAN informal
to try to start sexual activity with someone
-   make no move
to do nothing

She made no move to help with the cleaning. 她没有帮忙打扫。

-   on the move
1 travelling from place to place 在行进中;在移动中

We’ ll be on the move next week, so you won’ t be able to reach us. 下周我们将出游,因此你找不到我们。

2 informal   busy or active all the time 繁忙的;活跃的

He’ s always on the move and never has time to talk. 他总是忙个不停,根本没有时间说话。

3 informal   developing or progressing quickly 在快速发展;在迅速前进

It’ s an industry on the move. 这是个发展迅猛的产业。

See also
false move




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