

单词 monopoly
monopoly ★★
1  C  a company that has complete control of the product or service it provides because it is the only company that provides it 垄断公司

It is the government’ s intention to break up all monopolies. 是政府打算拆分所有的垄断公司。

1a  C/U  complete control over something by one organization or person (公司或个人的)垄断

a virtual/near monopoly The company has a virtual monopoly on tea sales. 该公司几乎垄断了茶叶销售。

enjoy/exercise/have/hold a monopoly He did not enjoy an absolute monopoly. 他并没有获得绝对的垄断地位。

2  singular  something that only one person or group of people has (个人或群体)独有的东西

have a monopoly on Celebrities don’ t have a monopoly on being interesting. 并不是只有名人才让人感兴趣。





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