

单词 mix
mix 1 ★★★
1  T  to combine two or more substances so that they become a single substance 使混合;搅拌

Add the eggs and mix thoroughly. 加入蛋并充分搅拌。

mix sth with sth Mix the flour with the eggs and butter. 把面粉和蛋以及黄油搅合在一起。

mix sth together Mix the paint and water together. 把颜料和水混合在一起。

1a  I  if two or more substances mix , they combine and become a single substance 相混合;融合

Oil and water don’ t mix. 油和水不相融。

1b  T  to make something by combining two or more substances 拌和;调制

a machine for mixing cement 拌水泥的机器

Phil was mixing a cocktail. 菲尔正在调制鸡尾酒。

2  I/T  to combine things such as activities, ideas, or styles (把…)结合起来;组合

In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed. 在这个房间里,古典家具和现代家具成功地搭配在一起。

a town where sophistication mixes with a vibrant atmosphere 厚重与活力相融合的城镇

mix sth with sth The show mixes African rhythms with European dances. 该演出把非洲节奏和欧洲舞蹈结合起来。

2a to combine work with social activities 把工作和社交活动相结合

I don’ t normally like to mix business with pleasure. 通常我不喜欢把工作和社交娱乐活动混为一谈。

2b if two things, ideas etc do not mix , they are not a good or sensible combination 不相容

Alcohol and pills do not mix. 喝酒时不宜服用药丸。

Drinking and driving do not mix. 酒后不宜驾车。

3  I  to meet other people in social situations and talk to them 交际;交往

You need to get out and mix a bit more. 你需要多出去与人交往。

+with Maria’ s parents didn’ t approve of the people she was mixing with. 玛丽亚的父母亲不赞同她与那些人来往。

The party gave me a chance to mix with the other students. 这次聚会给了我一个和其他学生交流的机会。

4  T  to play records and CDs continuously, so that one piece of music begins before another finishes 混合播放
4a to remix
-   mix and match
to choose different things such as clothes , styles, ideas etc and put them together

a range of clothes that you can mix and match 许多你可以组合搭配的衣服

-   mix it (up) with sb informal
1 to argue or fight with someone 同某人争论;同某人打斗
2 to compete with someone 同某人较量

It’ s pretty tough mixing it with the world’ s best players. 要和世界顶尖运动员较量难度很大。

ˌmix ˈup
1 to think that one person or thing is another person or thing 混淆

They look so alike that it’ s easy to mix them up. 他们长得非常相像,很容易把他们弄混。

+with I think I’ m mixing him up with someone else. 我想我把他当成别人了。

2 to put things together without any order 胡乱堆放;弄乱

I sorted all the papers and you’ ve mixed them up again. 我把所有的文件整理好,可你又把它们弄乱了。





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