

单词 mistake
mistake 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 something that you have not done correctly, or something you say or think that is not correct 错误;过错

make a mistake I won’ t make the same mistake again! 我不会再犯同样的错误!

Don’ t worry, it’ s an easy mistake to make. 不用担心,这是个易犯的错误。

correct a mistake It’ s much easier to correct mistakes at an early stage. 在初始阶段纠正错误要容易得多。

admit a mistake I wish you’ d admitted your mistake earlier. 我但愿你早点承认了错误。

1a something that you say or write in a way that is not correct (说话或书写方面的)失误,错误

spelling/grammar mistakes 拼写错误/语法错误

1b to understand what you did wrong and make sure you do not do it again 从错误中吸取教训
1c used for saying that you think something is not correct or that you are being wrongly accused of something 一定是弄错了
1d used for telling someone not to worry about something they have done wrong 人无完人/人孰无过
2 something you do that you later wish you had not done , because it causes a lot of problems (令人后悔的)错误,失策,失算

a big/terrible/serious mistake You’ re making a big mistake. 你正在犯一个严重的错误。

a costly/expensive mistake The wrong choice of computer could prove a costly mistake. 选错计算机结果可能是一个代价很高的错误。

the biggest mistake of sth Marrying him had been the biggest mistake of her life. 嫁给他是她一生中最大的失误。

it would be a mistake to do sth It would be a mistake to think that the trouble is over. 认为麻烦已经结束将是一个错误。

make the mistake of doing sth I made the mistake of inviting Jennifer to the party. 我犯了错,邀请了詹妮弗参加聚会。

-   by mistake
if you do something by mistake , you do it accidentally

I’ m sorry, I opened one of your letters by mistake. 对不起,我无意中打开了你的一封信。

-   make no mistake (about it) spoken
used for emphasizing that you mean what you are saying

I’ ll go to the police next time, make no mistake about it. 下次我会报警,我说到做到。

-   no mistake spoken
used for emphasizing what you are saying

They were a greedy bunch, no mistake. 他们确实是一群贪婪的家伙。

and no mistake Kathryn was a beautiful woman, and no mistake. 凯瑟琳的确是个美女。

  Words frequently used with mistake
  mistake 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   bad, big, careless, costly, deliberate, dreadful, expensive, fatal, serious, terrible,
Making a mistake is like falling over , or like being clumsy and dropping things .
犯错误就像摔倒(falling over), 或显得笨拙(clumsy) 和掉东西(dropping things)。
She stumbled over the speech.她的发言结结巴巴的。
You tripped up there: what were you thinking of?你竟然在那种地方出差错:你当时在想什么?
I fell flat on my face the last time I tried.最后一次尝试把我搞得灰头土脸的。
She didn’ t put a foot wrong.她没有犯错。
I was completely wrong-footed.我完全方寸大乱。
He fumbled for something useful to say.他结结巴巴地想找点有用的话说。
They made a clumsy attempt to improve the situation.他们笨拙地试图改善形势。
It was a slip of the tongue/pen.这是口误/笔误。
I seem to have put my foot in it.看起来我说错话了。
See also ->confused




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