

单词 mission
mission ★★
1  C  an important piece of work that a person or group of people has to do for a government or large organization , especially one that involves travel 使命;任务

The President leaves for a trade mission to the Middle East. 总统肩负贸易使命出访中东。

a cultural/fact-finding/rescue mission 文化使命/调查任务/援救任务

1a a group of people sent to do an important piece of work 代表团;使团

The UN peacekeeping mission has arrived in the capital. 联合国维和代表团已经到达首都。

1b an operation to help people who are in trouble or danger 慈善行动
2  C  a military operation , especially one by aircraft 军事行动;(尤指)飞行任务

He was shot down during a mission over the Balkans. 他在巴尔干上空执行飞行任务时被击落。

3  C  a flight into space 太空飞行

the possibility of a manned mission to Mars 进行飞往火星的载人太空飞行的可能性

4  singular  an aim that is very important to a person or organization 使命;天职

mission in life (=a personal goal) Helping homeless people was Gina’ s mission in life. 人生的使命;天职

mission to do sth It is the international community’ s mission to end terrorism. 消灭恐怖主义是国际社会的使命。

5  C/U  the activity of religious people who go to other countries in order to make people believe in their religion (宗教人员在他国的)传教活动

the Catholic mission in Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚的天主教传教活动

5a  C  the building used for this activity 传教用的建筑;传道区
-   mission accomplished
used for saying that a piece of work has been done successfully




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