

单词 mind
mind 1 ★★★
1  C/U  the part of you that thinks, knows, remembers, and feels things 头脑;想法

His mind was full of the things he had seen that day. 他满脑子都是那天看到的情景。

I need a walk to clear my mind. 我需要散散步来清醒一下头脑。

in sb’ s mind I wonder what’ s going on in her mind. 我想知道她脑子里在想什么。

1a your attention or thoughts 注意力;心思

Can you say that again? My mind was on something else. 你能再说一遍吗?我刚才在想别的事。

keep your mind on sth I can’ t keep my mind on work when it’ s so sunny outside. 外面阳光如此明媚,我没法专心工作。

turn your mind to sth Let’ s turn our minds to what’ s happening next week. 让我们把注意力转向下周要发生的事情。

1b your usual way of thinking (通常的)思维方式

Ellen’ s husband has a very suspicious mind. 埃伦的丈夫非常多疑。

1c the way you are thinking and feeling at the present time 思维状态;精神状态

She shouldn’ t drive in her present state of mind. 以她目前的精神状态不应开车。

2  singular  your intelligence and ability to understand things 智力;理解力

a brilliant/keen mind 非凡的理解力/睿智

Her youngest child has a very enquiring mind (=is very interested in things and always asking questions) . 她最小的孩子很爱问问题。

My grandmother’ s mind is failing. 我祖母的智力正在衰退。

2a  C  someone who is very intelligent 有才智的人

He is one of the finest minds in physics today. 他是当今物理学方面最有才智的人之一。

-   at/in the back of your mind
not thinking about something directly now but knowing that it exists or is true

At the back of her mind, she knew he was lying. 在内心深处,她知道他在撒谎。

-   be/go out of your mind informal
to be/become crazy or confused

You must be out of your mind to want to see him again. 你又想去见他,你一定是疯了。

be/go out of your mind with worry/jealousy/boredom etc I’ ll go out of my mind with boredom if I have to stay in this job. 如果得继续做这份工作我会无聊得疯掉。

-   be in two minds (about sth)
to not be certain about something , or to have difficulty in making a decision

I’ m in two minds about accepting the job. 我拿不定主意该不该接受这份工作。

-   be in your right mind informal
to be thinking clearly , and not be crazy

Nobody in their right mind would go there alone at night. 任何一个头脑清醒的人都不会晚上单独一个人去那里。

-   be of like mind formal
to have the same opinions about someone or something as someone else

She had always worked with people of like mind. 她总是和与她志同道合的人一起工作。

-   be of one/be of the same mind (about)
to agree about someone or something
-   be of sound mind legal
to not be mentally ill
-   bear sth in mind
to remember something , especially something important

Thanks, I’ ll bear that in mind. 谢谢,我会记住那件事。

Bear in mind that young children will put anything in their mouths. 切记,幼童会把任何东西放进他们的嘴里。

-   bring/call/sb/sth to mind
1 to remind you of someone or something 使人想起某人/某物

This latest crisis brings to mind the events of last year. 最近的这场危机使人想起去年的那些事件。

2 to remember something 记起某事;回忆起某事

I can’ t call his name to mind right now. 我不能马上想起他的名字。

-   change your/sb’ s mind (about sth)
to change yoursomeone else’ s decision or opinion

I’ ve changed my mind. I don’ t want to go out. 我改变主意了,我不想出去。

What made you change your mind? 是什么使你改变主意的?

See if you can change his mind about coming with us. 看看你能否改变他和我们一起来的决定。

-   close your mind to sth
to refuse to think about something
-   come/spring to mind
if something comes to mind , suddenly you remember it or start to think about it
-   cross sb’ s mind
if a thought or idea crosses your mind , you consider it for a very short time

it never crossed sb’ s mind (to do sth) It never crossed my mind to offer to help. 我从来没想过要提供帮助。

it crossed sb’ s mind that It crossed my mind that maybe Alan was right. 我突然想到埃伦也许是对的。

-   get sb/sth out of your mind
to stop thinking about someone or something

She’ s never been able to get him out of her mind. 她从来没办法停止对他的想念。

-   give sb a piece of your mind informal
to tell someone exactly what you think , especially when you are angry with them
-   great minds think alike humorous
used when you and another person have the same idea for saying that you are both very clever
-   have a good mind to do sth/have half a mind to do sth spoken
used for threatening to do something , when you probably will not do it

I’ ve a good mind to tell your parents what you’ ve done! 我真想把你干的事情告诉你父母!

-   have (it) in mind to do sth formal
to intend or want to do something

We had it in mind to take legal proceedings against them. 我打算起诉他们。

-   have sb/sth in mind
1 to know the type of person or thing you want for a particular purpose 想到某人/某物

What kind of house did you have in mind? 你想要哪种房子?

+for What sort of person do you have in mind for the job? 你想让什么样的人做这份工作呢?

2 to remember someone or something 记住某人/某事

Does everybody have the procedure firmly in mind? 每个人都牢牢记住了这个程序吗?

-   have a mind of its own informal
if a machine or object has a mind of its own , it behaves in a way that you do not expect
-   have a mind of your own
to have strong opinions and the ability to make your own decisions

William certainly has a mind of his own! 威廉的确很有主见!

-   have/keep an open mind
to be willing to listen to other people’ s opinions about someone or something

I told the committee that I had an open mind on the matter. 我告诉委员会在这件事上我愿意倾听别人的意见。

-   in your mind’ s eye
if you can see something in your mind’ s eye , you can imagine or remember what it looks like
-   it’ s all in your mind mainly spoken
used for saying that something is not real and is just being imagined

He’ s not really ill; it’ s all in his mind. 他并不是真的病了。这完全是他的心理作用。

-   keep sb in mind (for sth)
to remember someone because they might be suitable for a particular situation , job etc in the future

Keep me in mind if you need some help. 如果你需要些帮助的话记得叫我。

-   keep sth in mind
to remember something , especially something that will be important in the future

Keep that in mind when you come to make your decision. 你做决定的时候要想着那件事。

-   know your own mind
to be clear about what you think and not be influenced by other people’ s opinions
-   the last thing on your mind
something that is not important enough to worry about , especially because you have more serious problems

Cleaning the house is the last thing on my mind at the moment. 打扫房子是目前我最不愿做的事。

-   a load/weight off sb’ s mind informal
something that someone no longer needs to worry about

Knowing that you’ ll be here to help is a load off my mind. 知道你要来这里帮忙让我觉得如释重负。

-   lose your mind informal
to become crazy or very confused
-   make up your mind
to make a decision

Come on, make up your mind! 快点,决定吧!

+whether I can’ t make up my mind whether to go or not. 我拿不定主意去还是不去。

sb’ s mind is made up My mind’ s made up. Nothing will make me change it. 我已打定主意。没什么会让我改变。

-   mind over matter
the ability to control pain or an unpleasant situation by using your mind
-   sb’ s mind is blank/goes blank
used for saying that someone cannot/becomes unable to remember or think anything
-   not pay sb/sth any mind old-fashioned
to pay no attention to someone or something

Don’ t pay her any mind; she’ s always complaining about something. 别理她。她总是抱怨个不停。

-   on your mind
in your thoughts or making you worry

Work is very much on her mind at the moment. 目前她的工作压力很大。

have sth on your mind You seem quiet today. Do you have something on your mind? 你今天好像很安静。有什么心事吗?

have a lot on your mind She isn’ t usually rude; she’ s got a lot on her mind. 她通常并不粗鲁,压在她心头的事情太多了。

-   put sb in mind of informal
to remind someone of someone or something

This puts me in mind of a similar situation we had last year. 这使我想起我们去年碰到的类似情况。

-   put sb/sth out of your mind
to try to forget about someone or something unpleasant , even if only for a short time

Just try to put the problem out of your mind. 试着尽量不去想这个问题。

-   put/set sb’ s mind at /ease/at rest
to stop someone feeling worried

Your assurances have really put my mind at rest. 你的保证的确让我放心了。

-   put/set/turn your mind to sth
to decide to do something and try very hard to achieve it

You can do anything if you put your mind to it. 如果你下定决心,你可以做成任何事情。

-   read sb’ s mind
to know what someone else is thinking

Yes, I’ d love a coffee; you must’ ve read my mind. 是的,我想要一杯咖啡;你一定看出了我的心思。

-   set your mind on doing sth
to be determined to have or achieve something

Once Anna’ s set her mind on getting something, there’ s no stopping her. 一旦安娜决心要得到什么东西,谁也无法阻止她。

I’ ve set my mind on getting a university degree. 我决心要取得大学学位。

-   slip your mind
if something slips your mind , you forget it

I meant to invite him, but it completely slipped my mind. 我本打算邀请他,但把这事忘得干干净净。

-   speak your mind informal
to say exactly what you think , even if it might upset someone

You should never be afraid to speak your mind. 你永远都不要害怕实话实说。

-   stick in your mind
to stay in your memory for a long time

The way he looked that day has always stuck in my mind. 那天他看东西的那个样子我一直记着。

-   take your mind off sth
to make you stop thinking or worrying about something

A good night out will help you take your mind off exams. 出去过一个愉快的夜晚将使你不再为考试担忧。

-   to my mind spoken
used for emphasizing that you are expressing your own opinion

To my mind, their behaviour is unreasonable. 我认为他们的行为不合情理。

-   with sb/sth in mind
while thinking about someone or something

We moved here with the children’ s schooling in mind. 考虑到孩子上学,我们搬来这里。

This room was designed with Carol in mind. 这个房间是考虑到卡洛尔的需要设计的。

With that in mind, let us turn to page 77. 关于这个问题,让我们翻到77页。

Your mind is like a container or area , with thoughts being stored there or going in and out.
大脑就像一个容器(container) 或区域(area), 思想被储存在那儿或从那儿进进出出。
The memory of that day is still fresh in my mind.那天的事情我仍然记忆犹新。
A few doubts remained at the back of my mind.我在内心深处仍有一些疑虑。
Can’ t you get it into your head that I’ m not interested?你难道不记得我不感兴趣?
His head is filled with useless facts and figures.他的脑袋里尽是些无用的事实和数字。
I’ ve been searching my memory, but I still don’ t know who she is.我尽力回忆,但仍然不知道她是谁。
Try to relax: empty your mind.尽量放松:忘掉一切。
I pushed/drove the thought out of my mind.我头脑里不再有这种想法。
It crossed her mind that he was lying.她突然想到他在撒谎。
The idea never entered my head.我从来没有这种想法。
The name was fixed/stuck in her mind.这个名字铭刻在她的脑海中。
I have my suspicions, but I’ m trying to keep an open mind.我有自己的疑虑,但我尽量试着听取别人的意见。
His mind is closed to any new ideas.他不接受任何新观点。
See also ->idea
See also ->intelligence
See also ->knowledge
See also ->understand
See also
sight 1




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