

单词 middle
middle 1 ★★★
1 the middle  singular  the part of something that is furthest from the sides, edges, or ends 中部;中间;中央

in the middle (of sth) There was a large cat sitting in the middle of the road. 一只很大的猫蹲坐在路正中。

into the middle (of sth) Katy threw the stone into the middle of the pond. 凯蒂把石头扔进池塘中央。

around the middle (of sth) a diamond pattern around the middle of the ball 球中央的菱形图案

down/through the middle a sheet with a blue stripe down the middle 中部有蓝色条纹的被单

in the middle The cake was still frozen in the middle. 蛋糕的中间还冻着。

right/(slap) bang/smack in the middle of sth (=exactly in the middle of something) They’ ve put a horrible statue smack in the middle of the courtyard. 在某物正中

1a the part that is between the beginning and the end of a period of time or an event 中期;中叶

+of the middle of the 15th century 15世纪中叶

in the middle of sth Why are you creeping about in the middle of the night? 你为什么深更半夜还在四处走动?

He fell asleep in the middle of the film. 他在电影放映到一半时睡着了。

2  C  usually singular your waist and the part of your body around your waist 腰部

Ben was holding a towel around his middle. 本的腰部裹着一条浴巾。

-   be caught/stuck in the middle
if you are caught or stuck in the middle of two people who are arguing, you feel as though you are expected to support both of them
-   divide/split sth down the middle
1 to make a group of people divide into two opposing groups 使某团体分裂成两派

This issue has divided the Conservative Party down the middle. 这个问题已经使保守党分裂成两派。

2 to share something equally between two people or groups 平分某物;均分某物

Let’ s split the work down the middle. 让我们平均分配这项工作吧。

-   in the middle of (doing) sth
busy doing something

He was in the middle of vacuuming when I arrived. 我到的时候他正忙着用真空吸尘器打扫。

-   in the middle of nowhere
a long way from any town or city

The car broke down in the middle of nowhere. 汽车在荒郊野外抛锚了。

-   (somewhere) in the middle
1 in the position of not having a particular opinion but not having the opposite opinion either 态度不明

Some people adore her, and some hate her, and others are somewhere in the middle. 一些人崇拜她,一些人讨厌她,其他人则态度不明。

2 in the rank or position between the highest and the lowest (官阶或职位)在中级,在中层




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