

单词 manner
manner ★★★
1  singular  the way that you do something or the way that something happens 方法;方式

+of The manner of his death aroused a lot of interest in the media. 他的死亡方式引起媒体很大的兴趣。

in a/the...manner Customers should be treated in a courteous, friendly manner. 应该以礼貌友好的方式接待顾客。

Things had been done in the same manner for centuries. 几百年来事情都是这么做的。

2  singular  a way of behaving or speaking (言行的)方式

The salesman’ s aggressive manner put us off. 店员咄咄逼人的样子使我们很反感。

3 manners  plural  traditionally accepted ways of behaving that show a polite respect for other people 礼貌;规矩

Children learn manners by observing their parents. 儿童通过观察他们的父母学会礼貌。

good/bad manners It’ s bad manners to interrupt someone. 打断别人是不礼貌的。

have no manners (=behave badly) I forgot to say goodbye. They’ ll think I have no manners at all. 没有礼貌

4 manners  plural  the customs or accepted social behaviour of a particular group of people (某个人群的)风俗,习惯

German middle-class manners 德国中产阶级的风俗

-   all manner of sth
a great variety of people or things

The market has all manner of interesting things for sale. 市场上有各式各样有趣的东西出售。

-   (as) to the manner born
as if a particular activity or style of living is completely natural for you

She took to her new life as to the manner born. 她自然而然地开始了新生活。

-   in the manner of
in the style of

He passed his hands in front of my eyes in the manner of a hypnotist. 他像催眠师那样把双手在我眼前晃过。

-   in a manner of speaking spoken
used for saying that something is generally correct , but not exactly

‘So are you retired now?’ ‘In a manner of speaking, yes. But I still do some work.’ “那么说你现在退休了?”“就算是吧。但是我仍然干些活。”

-   not by any manner of means
not at all

I haven’ t given up hope by any manner of means. 我丝毫没有放弃希望。

-   what manner of sb literary
used for emphasis when asking a question

What manner of man would commit such a crime? 究竟谁会犯下这样的罪行?





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