

单词 machine
machine 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity , steam , gas etc 机器

Sue showed him how to operate the machine. 休教他如何操作那台机器。

by machine These companies do everything by machine these days. 这些公司现在用机器干所有的活儿。

1a a computer 计算机;电脑

Put the disk in your machine and click on the ‘A’ drive. 把磁盘插入你的电脑并点击打开驱动器A。

Users will be able to upgrade their machines as necessary. 用户可根据需要升级自己的电脑。

1b an answering machine

There’ s a message on the machine for you. 录音电话上有你的留言。

1c a washing machine

Is it okay to put this shirt in the machine? 可以把这件衬衫放进洗衣机吗?

1d a vending machine

You can get a cup of coffee out of the machine. 你可以从那台自动售货机里买一杯咖啡。

1e a cash machine

He said the machine had swallowed his card. 他说那台取款机吞了他的卡。

2 a person or animal that does something very effectively 效率高的人(或动物)

a fighting/killing machine The lion is an efficient killing machine. 狮子是高效的杀戮动物。

a well-oiled machine (=a group or system that works well and easily) The team is a well-oiled machine right now. 和谐团队;运行顺利的系统

2a someone who works so hard at a particular activity that they have no time for other activities or for thoughts and feelings 机器般工作的人

By the end of the evening I felt like a cooking machine. 到了那天晚上,我感觉自己像一台煮饭机器。

3 the people and things used for achieving a particular aim 机器(指用来达到某种目的的人或物)

the British war machine 英国的战争机器

a money/propaganda machine He criticized those who had turned politics into a ‘money machine’ . 他批评那些把政治变成“金钱机器”的人。

3a an organized system of people with power , especially in politics (尤指政治中的)领导核心

the government/party machine The government machine moved swiftly to deny the allegations. 政府领导层立即否认了这些说法。

4 informal   a vehicle , especially a motorcycle 机动车;(尤指)摩托车

That’ s a mean machine (=a beautiful vehicle) you’ ve got there. 你的那辆车棒极了。

Other ways of saying :  machine
device a small machine that has been designed to do something specific装置;设备;仪器: a device for measuring the temperature inside and outside the house用于测量室内外温度的装置a safety/explosive device安全/爆炸装置。
appliance a machine that has a practical use in the home(家用)器具,用具: household appliances such as cookers and dishwashers炊具和洗碗机之类的家用电器。
gadget a small machine that does something useful, or is designed to do something useful but is in fact useless or unnecessary小机器;小器具: a great little gadget that tells you when your egg is boiled能告知蛋什么时候煮熟的很棒的小装置。
tool an instrument that you hold in your hand to do something physical工具: the set of tools he uses for repairing the car他用的那套修车工具。
equipment things that you use for doing a particular job or for a particular purpose装备;设备;工具: play/kitchen/diving/climbing equipment游戏设备/厨房设备/潜水装备/登山装备The gardeners had left a pile of equipment lying on the lawn.花匠们在草坪上留下一堆工具。
implement a specially shaped object that you use for doing something specific(专用)工具,用具: a cutting/writing implement切割工具/书写用具。
contraption a machine that is very complicated and looks rather strange(复杂且外表新奇的)装置,玩意儿: an odd contraption that he must have made himself准是他自己动手做的古怪玩意儿。
mechanism a part of a machine that does something specific, especially something that involves opening or closing(尤指涉及开、关功能的)机件: I tried to open it but the mechanism had jammed.我试图打开它,但开关卡住了。




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