

单词 lover
lover ★★
NOUN  C   
1 someone who is in a loving or sexual relationship with another person 情人;爱人

She gazed into the eyes of her lover. 她凝视着情人的双眸。

young lovers Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare’ s most famous young lovers 罗密欧和朱丽叶,莎士比亚笔下最有名的一对年轻情侣

become lovers They were friends for years before they became lovers. 他们曾是多年的朋友,后来成为了情侣。

1a the sexual partner of someone who is married to another person (婚外恋的)性伴侣,情人
1b used for talking about someone’ s sexual performance (用于谈及某人的性表现)

He’ s a great lover. 他是一个性爱高手。

2 someone who likes or enjoys something very much (某事物的)爱好者,热爱者

a lover of fine art 美术爱好者

a music-/animal- etc lover He is a favourite of music-lovers everywhere. 他深受各地音乐爱好者的喜爱。

no (great) lover of sth (=not liking something very much) I’ m no great lover of the legal profession, but they are a necessary evil. 不太喜欢某事物的人





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