

单词 attention
attention ★★★
1  U  the interest or thought you give to something you are listening to or watching 注意力

The speaker was dull and their attention soon wandered. 演讲者的演讲很乏味,所以他们很快就走神了。

May I please have your attention? 请大家注意!

turn your attention to sth It’ s time now to turn our attention to the committee’ s recommendations. 现在该把我们的注意力转向委员会的建议了。

undivided/full attention Please give the demonstration your undivided attention. 请你们专心注意示范。

hold/keep your attention The conversation failed to hold my attention. 谈话的时候我没能全神贯注。

1a interest , especially interest that the public has in a person , event , situation etc 公众的注意力;关注

Recent violence has focused attention on the issue of racism. 近期的暴力使公众的注意力集中于种族主义问题。

He avoided publicity and disliked the attention his acting brought him. 他处事低调,不喜欢让自己的行为引起公众的注意。

divert/distract attention from sth They engineered a news story to divert attention from the scandal. 他们策划了一个新闻故事以转移人们对丑闻的注意力。

catch sb’ s attention What first caught my attention was his voice. 首先吸引我注意力的是他的声音。

2  U  the fact that you notice something , often something that causes problems 注意;留心

It had escaped my attention at the time. 它那时逃过了我的注意。

sth comes to sb’ s attention I followed up his request the moment it came to my attention. 从他的要求引起我注意的那一刻开始,我就采取了适当的行动。

draw (sb’ s) attention to sth I have been asked to draw your attention to the following matters. 有人要求我让你注意以下事情。

bring sth to sb’ s attention a campaign to bring human rights abuses to the government’ s attention 一场让践踏人权的行为引起政府关注的运动

3  U  special care , help , or treatment for someone or something 特别的关照;照料

As the sixth of ten children, he never received much attention. 作为10个孩子中的第6个,他从未得到过太多的关照。

Your letter will receive immediate attention. 您的来信将马上获得答复。

4  U  if people in the armed forces stand to attention or stand at attention , they stand straight with their feet together to show respect or to receive orders 立正姿势
5 attentions  plural  behaviour that shows someone that you love them or that you take a lot of interest in them 殷勤

I was flattered by her kind attentions. 我对她善意的殷勤很满意。

She had to deal with the unwelcome attentions of a drunk. 她得对付一个醉鬼讨厌的殷勤。

-   attract (sb’ s) attention
to make someone notice someone or something

He waved to attract the attention of the waitress. 他招手以引起女服务员的注意。

The trial has attracted international attention. 这次审判引起了国际关注。

-   for the attention of sb
used on a business letter to show that you intend it for a particular person

Mark the report for the attention of the headmaster. 在报告上作记号交给校长审阅。

-   payattention
to listen to , watch , or consider something or someone very carefully

I hope you’ re paying attention, because you’ ll be tested later. 我希望你们注意听,因为之后要测试。

+to Pay particular attention to the warnings printed on the label. 要特别注意印在标签上的警示。





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