

单词 let
let 1 ★★★
1  T  to allow something to happen 允许;让

let sb/sth do sth I stepped back and let him pass. 我往后站让他过去。

Alice’ s mum won’ t let her come with us. 艾丽斯的妈妈不让她跟我们来。

Let your imagination run wild. 充分发挥你的想象力吧。

let sth inoutthrough etc Open the windows and let some fresh air into the room. 打开窗,让一些新鲜空气进来。

There are holes between the stones that let the wind through. 石头间有让风通过的洞。

let sb know (=tell someone) Let us know what time you want us to be there. 让某人知道

let yourself She lets herself be talked into all kinds of schemes. 她听信他人,参与了各种阴谋活动。

1a used for offering to do something (用于表示愿意做某事)

Here, let me help you. 喂,让我帮你吧。

2  I/T  to rent a room , flat , house etc to someone 出租(房间、套房、房子等)

The landlord can let at an agreed market rent. 房东可以按协议过的市场价出租房子。

let sth to sb He’ s let his cottage to some people from London. 他把他的乡间小别墅出租给了一些从伦敦来的人。

2a available to be rented 待租;出租

There are three flats to let in the building. 楼里有3间公寓可供出租。

3  T  always in imperative used for giving an order or instruction (用于发出命令或指令)

Let the games begin! 开始比赛吧!

4  T  always in imperative used for showing that you are angry or tired , and do not care what happens (用于表示生气或疲倦,因而不去管发生的事)

Let her do all the work for a change! 换一换,让她干全部的活儿!

5  T  usually in imperative technical   used in mathematics for saying that you are imagining that something is true , usually in order to prove a principle of mathematics (通常用于证明数学原理)假定,假设

Let x = 5. 设x=5。

Let ABC be a triangle. 设ABC 为一个三角形。

-   let alone
used for saying that something is even less likely to happen than another unlikely thing

I hardly have time to think these days, let alone relax. 我现在几乎都没有时间思考,更不用说休息了。

-   let sb be
to stop annoying someone

Jimmy, let your sister be! 吉米,别打扰你姐姐!

-   let sth drop/rest
to stop talking about something

I think we’ d better let the matter drop so your father can calm down. 我认为我们最好别再谈这件事了,这样你父亲就会冷静下来。

Just let it rest, would you? 就别再提这事儿了,好吗?

-   let sth drop/slip
to say something important either by accident or in a way that makes it seem like an accident

She casually let it drop that she would be moving to Paris. 她无意中说出她要搬到巴黎去。

In an unguarded moment, he let it slip that he’ d lost his job. 他一不留神说出自己丢了工作。

-   let go (of)
to stop holding someone or something

Let go! That hurts. 松手!那样很痛。

She refused to let go of her bag and kicked her attackers several times. 她抓住包不松手,还踢了袭击她的人几脚。

-   let sb go
1 to allow a person or animal to go free 放开某人(或动物)

The police had to let her go because of insufficient evidence. 警方因证据不足而不得不放她走。

2 informal   to officially tell someone that they can no longer work at a job (正式)解雇某人

John was let go after it was discovered that he stole some files. 约翰在偷窃文件一事败露后就被解雇了。

-   let sb/sth go
to stop holding someone or something

Let me go! 放开我!

Reluctantly, he let go her arm. 他不情愿地松开了她的胳膊。

Let the book go – it’ s mine! 把书放下,那是我的!

-   let sth go informal
1 to stop thinking or feeling angry about something that is upsetting you 对(烦心的事)不再考虑(或生气)
2 to not react to something that someone says, especially something annoying 不予理会(尤指某人说的恼人的话)
-   let sth go for sth
if you let something go for a particular amount of money , you agree to sell it for that amount

I can’ t let it go for less than £200. 少于200英镑我可不卖。

-   let sb have it very informal
to attack or criticize someone severely
-   let it be known that
to give information to other people , especially in an indirect way

He let it be known, during dinner, that he was on the lookout for a wife. 他吃饭时透露说他在寻觅一位妻子。

-   let loose informal
1 to allow a person or animal to be free 放走(人或动物)

Several of the dogs were let loose last night. 其中的几只狗昨晚被放走了。

2 to express strong emotions or opinions 表达(强烈的感情或想法)
-   let me see/think
used for saying that you need a moment to think about something

Let me see, where did I put my keys? 让我想想,我把钥匙放哪儿了呢?

-   let me tell you informal
used for emphasizing what you are saying

It was quite a show, let me tell you! 我跟你说,那景象可壮观着哪!

-   let sth pass
to not react to something that someone says, especially something annoying

His criticism angered her, but rather than start a fight, she let it pass. 他的抨击令她恼火,但她没有和他开战,而是置之不理。

-   let sth ride informal
1 to allow a situation to continue instead of dealing with it immediately 听任某种局面继续下去

The longer you let it ride, the harder it will be to fix later. 这事儿你拖得越久,以后就越难办。

2 to not react to something that someone says, especially something annoying 对某人说的话(尤指令人恼火的话)不予理会
-   let’ s
1 used for suggesting that you and one or more other people do something (用于建议一起做某事)

Let’ s eat now. 我们现在吃饭吧。

‘Do you want to leave?’ ‘Yes, let’ s!’ “你想走吗?”“是的,我们走吧!”

let us formal Let us be thankful for each other. 让我们为彼此感到高兴吧。

2 used for saying that someone must admit that a situation exists (用于表示某人必须承认某种情况的存在)我们认了吧

Let’ s face it, he’ s not cut out for this job. 我们认了吧,他不是干这份工作的料。

3 used for saying that you hope something is true or will happen (用于表示希望某事属实或会发生)

‘I’ m sure it’ s nothing to worry about.’ ‘Let’ s hope you’ re right.’ “我敢说这没什么可担心的。”“希望你说的没错。”

Let’ s hope she never finds out the truth. 希望她永远都发现不了真相。

4 used for saying that you are not going to tell all the details about something 比如说

Let’ s just say it wasn’ t her best performance. 比如说这不是她的最佳表现。

5 used for suggesting that a possible situation needs to be considered 比如说;设想

Let’ s suppose you lose. What will you do then? 比如说你输了,你到时怎么办?

-   let’ s see
1 used for suggesting that you and one or more other people should find the answer to something 让我们看看

+ifwhether Let’ s see if it works. 让我们看看这是否行得通。

2 used for saying that you need a moment to think about something 让我想想

Let’ s see, where was I? 让我想想,我当时在哪儿呢?

3 used for asking someone to show you something (用于请求某人展示某事物)让我们看看

Let’ s see what you’ ve got there. 让我们看一看你在那儿有何收获。

-   let sth slide very informal
to allow something to become worse by not paying enough attention to it

I’ m glad to see you haven’ t let things slide since I left. 我很高兴我走了之后你没有放任自流。

-   let there be sth formal
1 used for expressing a prayer or a hope (用于表达祈祷或希望)

Let there be peace on earth. 但愿世界和平。

Let there be no lies between us. 希望我们俩之间没有谎言。

2 used for emphasis (用于强调)

Let there be no mistake about it, this proposal is the best solution. 显而易见,这个提议是最佳的解决方法。

Let there be no doubt that this was an attack on the whole community. 毫无疑问,这是对全体大众的攻击。

-   let yourself go informal
1 to allow yourself to feel and express emotions without trying to control them 尽情地喧泄感情;随心所欲

Relax and let yourself go. 放松自己,玩个痛快。

2 to allow your appearance and health to get worse 不修边幅;不注意身体

He’ s really let himself go in the past few years. 他在过去的几年里实在很邋遢。

-   never let it be said that often humorous
used for emphasizing the opposite of a statement

‘Never let it be said that I arrive empty-handed!’ she said, handing him some bread and cheese. “可千万别让人说我是空手来的!”她说着,递给他一些面包和干酪。

ˌlet ˈdown
1 to make someone disappointed by not doing something they are expecting you to do 使(某人)失望

I was a bit late but I couldn’ t let them down completely. 我来得有点儿晚,但我不能让他们彻底失望。

The families of the victims feel that the justice system has let them down. 受害者的家属觉得司法制度令他们失望。

1a to work less hard or make more mistakes than the people you are working with 使丢脸;使蒙羞

She’ s a great player, and never lets her team down. 她是一个很棒的运动员,从来都不会给她的球队丢脸。

Any boy who misbehaves will be letting down the whole school. 任何行为不端的孩子都会让整个学校蒙羞。

2 to make someone or something less likely to be successful or effective 使略逊一筹;使美中不足

The whole system is let down by the poor quality of the graphics. 糟糕的图像质量使整个系统有了缺憾。

3 BRITISH  to allow the air to go out of something such as a car tyre 放掉(车胎等的)气
4 to allow someone or something to move to a lower position 放下;使落下

Let the bucket down carefully into the well. 把桶小心地放到井里。

5 to use the extra cloth in the hem (= bottom fold) of a piece of clothing to make it longer 放长(衣服);放出(褶边)
-   let sb down gently
to try to give someone bad news in a way that does not upset them too much
-   let the side down informal
to work less hard or make more mistakes than the people you are working with
ˌlet ˈin
1 let sb in: to allow someone to enter a house , room etc 允许(某人)进入(房子、房间等)

Don’ t let anybody in – I’ ll be back in 15 minutes. 别让任何人进来,我15分钟后回来。

2 informal   to talk to someone about your problems and feelings 和(某人)谈自己的问题和感受

You’ ve got to learn to let me in. 你得学会让我明白你内心的想法。

-   let yourself in for sth informal
to put yourself in a difficult situation

She didn’ t know what she was letting herself in for when she married John. 嫁给约翰时,她都不知道这会给自己带来什么样的麻烦。

ˌlet ˈin on
let sb in on sth: to tell someone a secret 把(秘密)透露给(某人)

If you promise not to tell, I’ ll let you in on a secret. 如果你答应不说出去,我就告诉你一个秘密。

They were planning something, but they wouldn’ t let me in on it. 他们在筹划什么事,但他们不愿让我知道。

ˌlet ˈoff
1 let sb off sth: BRITISH  to allow someone not to do something they were expecting to have to do 允许(某人)不做(本来得做的事)

When we were in port, he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore. 我们在港口停靠时,他准许我不工作,并允许我上岸。

2 to give someone little or no punishment for something they did wrong 宽恕;从轻处理

I was pulled over for speeding, but I was let off with a warning. 我因为超速行驶被拦截到路边,但只被警告了一下就放行了。

let sb off lightly They let her off lightly because she’ s only sixteen. 因为她只有16岁,所以他们从轻发落了她。

3 to allow a passenger to get out of a car or off a bus 允许乘客下车

You can let me off at the corner. 你可以在拐角处让我下车。

4 to fire a gun or bullet 开(枪);发射(子弹)
4a to make something such as a bomb explode 使(炸弹等)爆炸
-   let off steam
to shout or do something that allows you to get rid of anger
ˌlet ˈon
1  I/T  to talk about something that is intended to be a secret 泄漏,透露(秘密)

He knows more than he lets on. 他知道的要比他透露的多。

+to How did she plan the surprise party without letting on to her husband? 她是如何瞒着丈夫筹备这个惊喜聚会的?

+(that) Don’ t let on that I told you. 不要透露我告诉过你。

2  T  let on sth: to admit something 承认
ˌlet ˈout
1  T  to allow a person or animal to leave a place 放出,释放(人或动物)

Would you let the dog out please? 请你把这只狗放出去好吗?

1a  I  when school , film etc lets out , it ends and people leave 放学;(电影)散场
2  T  to make a noise 发出(声音)

As he walked away, he let out a sigh of relief. 他走开时舒了一口气。

3  T  to use the extra cloth in a fold of a piece of clothing to make it wider 加宽,加大(衣服)

I’ m going to have this skirt let out. 我准备让人把这条裙子加大。

4  T  BRITISH  to allow someone to use a room , building etc in exchange for money 出租(房屋等)

We could always let out the spare room. 我们一直可以把这个空余的房间租出去。

ˌlet ˈup
1 if something bad or unpleasant lets up , it slows down or stops (不好的或令人不快之物)减弱,停止

The icy wind never let up for a moment. 刺骨的寒风一刻不停地刮着。

Things haven’ t let up at work, I’ m still working over 60 hours a week. 工作上的事儿忙不完,我一周仍要工作60小时以上。

2 to put less effort into something , especially criticizing someone or making them work harder (尤用于批评或促使某人更加努力)放松,懈怠

Boy, you just never let up, do you? 伙计,你是绝对不会松懈的,对吗?

+on She’ s a coach who never lets up on her players. 她是个一贯对自己的运动员要求很严格的教练。





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