

单词 length
length ★★★
1  C/U  a measurement of how long something is in size 长度

Cut the cloth to the required length. 把这块布料裁到所需的长度。

This beautiful bird is small, with a total length of about three inches. 这只美丽的鸟很小,整个体长约为3英寸。

The length of your swimming pool is not important. 你的游泳池的长度并不重要。

of equal/unequal length Use two planks of unequal length. 用两块长短不同的厚木板。

in length The boat was 16 feet in length. 这条船有16英尺长。

1a a measurement of how long something is in time 时间长度

The length of your talk must be at least 10 minutes. 你的讲话至少要有10分钟长。

The average length of stay in hospital is three days. 一般住院时间为3天。

length of time You can adjust the length of time that the light remains on. 你可以调整灯亮的持续时间。

for any length of time (=for a long period of time) When standing for any length of time, remember to flex your knees. 长时间

1b a measurement of how big a book or piece of writing is (书或作品的)长度

His latest novel is twice the length of his previous one. 他最新的小说是上一本的两倍长。

2  C  usually singular the distance from one end of something to the other 全长;全程

Carter ran half the length of the pitch to score a brilliant goal. 卡特尔跑过半场的距离,射入一记精彩的进球。

along sth’ s length The pier was lit up along its entire length. 水上码头从头到尾都亮着灯。

run the length of sth (=go from one end to the other) A proposed tourist trail will run the length of the river. 从某物的一端到另一端

2a the distance from one end of a swimming pool to the other . The distance from one side of a swimming pool to the other is a width . (游泳池的)长度
3  C  a piece of something that is long and thin 一条细长的东西

a length of pipe/rope/string 一条管道/绳子/细绳

4  C  a measure of how far one car , horse etc is in front of another in a race , usually equal to the length of one car , horse etc 一车位,一马位等(赛车或赛马等比赛中领先的距离)

He still managed to finish seven lengths ahead of the rest. 他最终仍领先其他车手7个车位而获胜。

-   at length literary
after a long time

At length, the day came on which we were to leave. 终于到了我们要走的那一天。

-   at (great/some) length
for a long time and with a lot of detail

Austin was questioned at length by detectives. 奥斯汀被侦探们讯问了好长时间。

The matter will be discussed at greater length this evening. 今晚将更详细地讨论此事。

-   go to great/extreme/any etc lengths
to try in a very determined or unreasonable way to achieve something

They have gone to great lengths to make us feel welcome. 他们尽其所能来款待我们。

The lengths that some people will go to (=the extreme things they will do) to get a ticket! 有些人为了搞到一张票什么事都干得出来!

-   the length and breadth of sth
in every part of a large area

We’ ve searched the length and breadth of the country for a suitable candidate. 我们在全国范围内寻找一名合适的候选人。





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