

单词 least
least ★★★
  Least is the superlative form of little and can be used in the following ways:
  as a determiner (followed by an uncountable noun)用作限定词(后接不可数名词): He generally takes the path of least resistance. 他通常采用阻力最小的办法。 (after ‘the’ 置于the之后): These farming methods cause the least damage to the environment. 这些耕作方式对环境造成的危害最小。
  as a pronoun (without a following noun)用作代词(后不接名词): People will choose the product that costs least. 人们会选择花钱最少的产品。 (after ‘the’ 置于the之后): Abe works the hardest, yet he earns the least. 亚伯工作最努力,但赚得最少。 (followed by ‘of’ 后接of): That’ s the least of my problems. 那对我来说绝对不成问题。
  as an adverb (after ‘the’ and before an adjective)用作副词(置于the之后及形容词之前): I think you are the least suitable person for the job. 我认为你是最不适合做这份工作的人。 (followed by an adverb后接副词): Production was slowest where time was least efficiently used. 时间的利用率最低时产量也最低。 (with a verb与动词连用): She was kind to me when I least expected it. 她对我好是在我最没有料到的时候。 (after ‘the’ with a verb置于the 之后修饰动词): The money seems to go to the people who need it the least. 钱似乎流入了最不缺钱者的腰包。
  as an adjective 用作形容词: At the least sign of trouble, he gets scared and quits. 只要遇到一点点麻烦,他就会吓得放弃。
1 used for referring to a smaller amount than any other amount , or the smallest amount possible (量)最少的,最小的

The President seemed to be the one who knew least about the crisis. 总统好像是最不了解这次危机的人。

He wonders why his most popular songs are always the ones he spends the least time on. 他想知道为什么他最流行的歌曲总是那些他用最少时间完成的歌曲。

Of all of us, I think I earn the least. 我认为在我们所有的人当中我挣得最少。

1a used for emphasizing how small something is , especially when it is so small that it almost does not exist 最轻微的(用于强调某物之少,尤其是少到几乎不存在之时)

He’ s a light sleeper and wakes up at the least noise. 他睡觉很轻,稍有动静就会醒来。

You don’ t have the least notion of how I’ m feeling at the moment. 你一点儿也不明白我此刻的感受。

I doubt anything you say will make the least difference to what he does. 我认为你所说的一切对他的所作所为不会有一丁点的影响。

1b used for emphasizing that a particular problem is smaller or less important than other problems (问题等)最小的,最不重要的

the least of sth I’ ll have to pay for the ticket, but that’ s the least of my worries. 我得掏钱买票,但我一点都不为此犯愁。

Money is the least of my problems right now. 眼下钱对我来说绝对不成问题。

1c used for stating the smallest amount that should be done about something , and suggesting that more should really be done (应做的)最起码的事

The least you can do is listen to what I have to say before you reject it completely. 在你断然拒绝之前你至少该听听我要说的话。

Let me pay for the dinner – it’ s the least I can do. 让我来付晚餐的账吧,我起码可以做到这一点。

The least he deserves is a compliment from time to time. 他至少应该时不时地得到夸奖。

2 used for saying that someone or something has less of a particular quality than anyone or anything else (在某种品质方面)最不…的

Hungary is one of the least polluted of the former East-bloc states. 匈牙利是前东欧国家中受污染程度最轻的一个国家。

The least confusing route would be to get on the M6 at Birmingham. 最不易产生混乱的路线便是在伯明翰上M6高速公路。

The new taxes will fall on those least able to pay. 新税收将摊到那些支付能力最弱的人头上。

3 used for saying that someone or something does something less often or to a smaller degree than anyone or anything else (频率)最低的;(程度)最轻的

This chair squeaks the least. 这把椅子响得最不厉害。

The man who actually won the car is the one who wanted it least. 最没有想过要得到这辆轿车的男子竟然赢得了它。

3a used for mentioning that something happens less often or to a smaller degree than at any other time (用于表示某事发生的可能性较其他时候小)

Troubles come when you least expect them. 麻烦总是在你最意料不到的时候来临。

-   at least
1 not less than a particular amount or number , and possibly more (数量或数目上)至少,起码

Mr Gray will remain the director for three years at least. 格雷先生将继续担任主管,任期至少3年。

The disease killed at least 120 people in England last year. 去年,英国至少有120人被该疾病夺去了生命。

We are expecting to at least double our money. 我们期望着把我们的钱至少翻一番。

at the very least (=not less than and probably much more than) The journey will take a year, at the very least. 至少;最起码

2 even if nothing else happens or is true 无论如何;不管怎样;至少

At least no one can accuse me of hiding the truth. 无论如何没有人会指责我隐瞒真相。

You might at least have waited for me. 不管怎样,当时你也可以等我一下吧。

We have reached an agreement that at least gives the company a chance to survive. 我们达成了一项协议,这至少给了这家公司一个生存的机会。

at the very least At the very least the player is guilty of violent behaviour. 不管怎么说这位运动员都有暴力犯罪行为。

3 used when mentioning an advantage that exists despite the problem or disadvantage you have just mentioned (尽管有缺点或问题但)至少,起码

A two per cent pay rise is not very much, but at least it’ s better than nothing. 工资增加2%并不是很多,但至少比没有好。

You lost, but at least you can say you tried. 你输了,但至少你可以说自己尝试过。

The work is difficult, but at least the pay is good. 这工作很费劲,但起码报酬不错。

4 used when you are saying something that changes or limits what you have just said (用于修改或限定刚刚说过的话)

The election will mean the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the present system. 这次选举将意味着现行制度的结束,或者至少说是开始结束。

No one saw anything, or at least they’ re not talking about it if they did. 没人说什么;即便说了什么,他们也不是在谈论这件事情。

-   (in) the least
used for emphasizing a negative statement or question

I’ m not the least surprised that she’ s leaving. 她要走,我一点儿也不惊讶。

I’ m not teaching anything the least bit challenging any more, and that is sad. 我教的东西不再有一点儿挑战性,这令人悲哀。

Weren’ t you concerned in the least about where your son was? 你儿子在何处你难道一点儿也不关心?

-   least of all
used after a negative statement for showing that it applies to a particular person , thing , or group more than any other

None of us is religious, least of all Jim. 我们没人信教,吉姆就更不用说了。

There is not much there to attract tourists, least of all the weather. 那儿没多少东西可以吸引游客,气候就更谈不上了。

-   not least
used for emphasizing the importance of a particular aspect of a situation

George is an excellent manager, not least because he is genuinely willing to listen. 乔治是一位优秀的经理,相当一部分原因是由于他非常乐于倾听。

Not least among our difficulties is our lack of funding. 尤其是缺乏资金,这是我们的一个大难题。

-   to say the least
used for suggesting that something is worse or more extreme than you are saying

I found him a difficult person, to say the least. 至少可以这么说,我发现他是一个很难对付的人。

Your work isn’ t very good, to say the least. 至少可以说,你的工作不是很出色。

See also
last 1 2b




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