

单词 laugh
laugh 1 ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to make the noise with your voice that shows you think something is funny 笑;发笑

We talked and laughed late into the night. 我们说说笑笑一直到深夜。

+at The audience didn’ t laugh at his jokes. 观众们没觉得他的笑话好笑。

+about They were still laughing about the experience years later. 多年以后,他们仍对那段经历感到好笑。

burst out laughing (=start laughing suddenly) She burst out laughing when she saw what he was wearing. 突然笑起来

2 to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect 嘲笑;讥笑

When I told them my idea, they just laughed. 我告诉他们我的想法时,他们只是付之一笑。

laugh in sb’ s face If someone had told me this was going to happen, I would’ ve laughed in their face. 要是有人早告诉我会发生这样的事,我会当面讥笑他们的。

-   be laughing informal
to be in a very good situation , especially as a result of something you have received

If this deal comes off as planned we’ ll be laughing. 如果这次交易能按计划获得成功,那我们就心满意足了。

-   don’ t make me laugh spoken
used for telling someone that you disagree with them or think what they said is not possible or true
-   laugh all the way to the bank informal
to make a lot of money easily
-   laugh out of court
if you laugh someone or something out of court , you show them that you think their ideas or suggestions are very silly
-   laugh up your sleeve
to be secretly happy , especially because someone you do not want to succeed has failed or made a mistake
-   no laughing matter
something that should be treated seriously
-   not know whether to laugh or cry
to feel confused and not know what to do when something bad happens, usually something unexpected
-   you have to laugh spoken
used for saying that , although a situation may seem completely bad , you are able to find something funny about it
-   you’ ll be laughing on the other side of your face spoken
used for telling someone that something is going to happen to stop them feeling so happy about a situation
ˈlaugh at
laugh at sb: to behave in a way that shows your are not worried or frightened by something 对…一笑置之;对…不以为意;漠视

He’ s always been able to laugh at danger. 对于危险他总能够一笑置之。

-   laugh at sb behind his/her back
to say unkind things about someone when they are not there
-   laugh at yourself
to not be too serious or sensitive about yourself and the things you do

In a culture that too often lacks perspective, these cartoons give Americans the chance to laugh at themselves. 在一种通常缺乏思想深度的文化中,这些漫画给了美国人一个自我解嘲的机会。

ˌlaugh ˈoff or ˌlaugh aˈway 
to joke about something to show that you think it is not important or serious 用笑驱除,用笑话来摆脱(不快等)

They just laughed off the rumours that they are getting married. 对于他们要结婚的传言他们只是一笑了之。

Other ways of saying :  laugh
giggle to laugh in a nervous or excited way, especially at something silly咯咯地笑;傻笑: Andy and Sarah were giggling helplessly at the back of the class.安迪和萨拉在教室后面咯咯地笑成一团。
chuckle to laugh quietly, especially in a private or secret way低声轻笑;(尤指)偷偷地笑: ‘Now that was a sight to see!’ chuckled Anne as she looked at the photos.安妮一边看着照片一边轻声笑道,“瞧,这多可笑呀!”
cackle to laugh in a loud unpleasant way, especially when you are taking pleasure in someone else’ s bad luck(尤指幸灾乐祸地)高声大笑: The old man was cackling horribly and rubbing his hands.老头狞笑着,不停地抓挠自己的手。
snigger to laugh secretly and quietly, especially in an unkind way or at something that is rude(尤指刻薄地)暗笑,窃笑: The children started sniggering at Judy’ s dancing.看着朱迪跳舞,孩子们开始窃笑。
titter to laugh quietly and unkindly when something embarrassing happens(在尴尬发生时)窃笑,哧哧地笑: The audience tittered as Brock fell through the door.布罗克穿过门口时摔了一跤,观众们窃笑起来。
get the giggles to start giggling and be unable to stop开始咯咯地笑个不停: We got the giggles in the middle of the ceremony and Sarah was furious.典礼举行到一半时我们开始咯咯地笑个没完,萨拉为此大为光火。
be in hysterics/stitches to laugh in an excited and uncontrolled way狂笑不止;捧腹大笑: You should have seen his face – we were in absolute hysterics!你当时该看看他的表情,我们个个笑得前仰后合!
crack up (informal) to suddenly start laughing at something, often in a situation when you are not supposed to(常指在不适宜的场合)突然开始大笑起来: When he told us to leave the room, we just cracked up, I’ m afraid.他叫我们离开房间时,我们却突然大笑起来。




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